Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Theater Whore: Mad Max Fury Road

Mad Max Fury Road 9/10

Damn, this was an awesome ass movie! There will be some spoilers while I talk about this. Funny though, even if I explained the entire movie I doubt it would take away any joy you'd have in watching a movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time. Well, there are some small breaks but its just for the characters in it to catch their breath. And then more explosions!

After the world has fucked itself up because in movies the future is either perfect with evil underneath or just wrecked Max played by Tom Hardy is just minding his own crazy business in the desert when these guys called War Boys show up and snatch him up. He is a universal blood donor which is good for everyone but him and has his information tattooed onto his back. With some inspiration from his hallucinations he manages to get away for a minute until being caught again. He is used as a “blood bag” for this guy Nux played by Nicholas Hoult. He is crazy as all hell.

Immortan Joe who runs all these crazy ass meth heads sends Furiosa played by Charlize Theron out to gather more gasoline. As she leads a group of vehicles she suddenly veers off in another direction not explaining to the others what she is doing. Joe knows something is up and rushes underground to find out that his “wives” have been taken. He sends Nux and a few dozen more War Boys out to bring his wives back.

These wives are all hot by the way. Zoe Kravitz is one of them. They are used for breeding while these other ladies are used for nursing. There's a whole room full of women with their big ol' titty balls just being pumped. The wives are in the back of the truck Furiosa is driving. I just like writing that name. Its awesome. She is incredibly bad ass in this. Actually, all of the women are. Gas Town and the Bullet Farm are also after them but there are orders to not hurt the wives. Nux ties Max to the front of his car and they end up getting wrecked. Max drags Nux and finds Furiosa repairing her truck and the wives being all sexy and shit washing off.

After this it is a shit ton of explosions, a guy that makes fire shoot out of his guitar as he plays the soundtrack, drummers, and guys on poles snatching fools out of their vehicles. For anyone that says the fire guitar guy is stupid think back to the drummers and flute guys that used to be at the head of armies marching. At least fire guitar guy has a weapon.

This was a fun movie that was full of action with a very simple story: survival. The explosions felt real because they were real. There was barely any CGI in this and when it was used it made sense. They couldn't naturally create a lightning filled sand storm. If you were a fan of the original Mad Max films this will blow those out of the water. I've recently watched those and they aren't really that good. The music was awesome and I need to get the soundtrack as soon as possible. This could have easily been a cheese fest but Hardy and Theron made this shit work perfectly. This is one of those movies I can watch over and over. 

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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