Monday, November 30, 2015

Theater Whore: Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2

Hunger Games Mockingjay Part Two 1/10

There will be spoilers. So...yeah. I watched Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2 today because I watched part one recently (click here to read that) and since I'd seen three of the four damned movies I was kinda all in. This continues right where the last film left off which makes sense since it was a two and a half hour long trailer. Jennifer Lawrence plays Katniss and she is still moping around and doesn't want to fight. Well too goddamn bad, sister. Shit is close to going down.

Everyone gets killed. Well, mostly everyone. I cant believe this far in they have the nerve to try and introduce new characters. One of my complaints with the very first film was that there was no character development so when these kids got slaughtered I didn't care. Same for this one. People from the last movie get wrecked and I didn't give a damn. This movie was so much weak sauce. I mean, the last movie was over two hours of bullshit so this one needed to hit the ground running. Guess what? It didn't!

Rant time.

I fucking hated this movie. I hate it because it tricks people into thinking that Katniss is a strong female character and she is not close to it. She is a whiny ass character that gets fucked up all the time and saved by some guy that is going to get killed soon. And I dare you to tell me this movie isn't for me. Even the ending of this movie was ass. And they slapped on some allegedly in the future scene with her and Peeta together and its such bullshit because of some plan she thought Gale used killed a bunch of people. So much shoehorn. I would have felt better if she was alone at the end. But no. She is barefoot and pregnant having bad dreams. Fuck this movie. I only gave it a 1 because Jena Malone is in it with a shaved head.

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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