Saturday, November 28, 2015

Theater Whore: Legend

Legend 8/10

I got to see the movie Legend starring Tom Hardy and damn this was good. I did not know this movie existed or came out which makes perfect sense because fuck getting people like me to watch something new that's great, right? This is one of those movies that has a ton of actors from things where I know their face but not their name because they are from England. This movie was based off of real guys and as crazy as they seem in the movie it turns out they were way worse in real life.

Tom Hardy plays twin brothers Reggie and Ronnie Kray. They are huge criminals in London. Reggie is the more reasonable of the two but not by much it turns out. He ends up getting his psycho, legit psycho, brother out of the nut house and has him along to run things. That is until Reggie is locked up and Ronnie runs things right into the damned ground. Turns out a non-medicated sociopath running a mob is a bad idea. That doesn't scare Frances, played by Emily Browning, away from wanting to be a part of Ronnie's life.

Everything I thought was going to happen in this movie didn't and that is a good thing. When I see crime movies I tend to have my mind set on what is going to happen and in this they didn't. It made me happy. This is one of the movies that makes me hate critics by the way. I'm not a real critic. I'm a random ass Black dude that loves watching movies and give most a shot. This is not getting great reviews but that shouldn't stop you from checking it out. Learn to be an adult and make your own choices!

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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