Friday, March 27, 2020

You Had One Job: New Mutants

Remember years ago when a New Mutants movie was coming out? And then a trailer came out but the movie didn't. Then another trailer came out and the movie still hadn't. Then a pandemic hit and the movie still didn't come out? Yeah. I do too. I was never a huge fan of the New Mutants comics but knew it existed and read some. It didn't get good until much later when older characters joined as mentors and such. I don't think I even mentioned this movie in any of my Excitement Level posts. It is such a “meh” team but these days they can take any character and make them interesting. No one could have predicted years ago that Deadpool would become one of the highest grossing comic movies.

People started talking about reshoots for the movie and I thought that could not be possible since it was made years ago and the director Josh Boone confirmed this in an interview stating”Everybody said we did reshoots! We've never done reshoots. And I'll tell you this: if there hadn't been a merger, I'm sure we would've done reshoots the same way every movie does pickups. We didn't even do that because by the time the merger was done and everything was settled, everybody's older.” The merger he is speaking of is Disney/Marvel. As for everyone being older, yeah, that is for sure a thing. Look at them kids from Stranger Things. Kids grow up fast as shit and trying to shoot anything a year or two later would look silly. Hell, even doing it with adults don't work as seen in that Fantastic Four reboot.

The movie is supposed to be a thriller and very dark. I don't care. I wanna see some new strange shit and they ain't giving it to me. Since every theater is closed people started asking for this to be placed on Disney+. They are saying everything needs to be put online which is silly. I wanna see Black Widow and will see it as soon as I can in theaters. But this? Put that shit on Youtube. I haven't even heard nerds I know talk about this movie or have any interest in seeing it. It should have come out years ago and I have a feeling that when it does come out it will dated looking/feeling. But maybe...


If these were connected to the MCU I would be interested. The characters they have listed are Wolfsbane, Illyana Rasputin, Cannonball, Moonstar, and Sunspot. Illyana is the younger sister of Colossus from the Deadpool/X-Men films so there's that. And Cable ran the team at one point. There was a rumor that it was part of the MCU but that got shot down quick by Disney. It is a definitely a bold movie having this movie centered around a group of mutants who for the most part no one knows. Maybe as a series this could work the way Legion did. Fuck, that was a good show and I have intentionally avoided finishing the series. I'm not against movies/shows venturing away from the source material as long as it is good. But New Mutants just doesn't seem worth the hassle. They should just release it online and get it over with.

Click here for previous You Had One Job.

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