Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Review: The Suicide Squad

The Suicide Squad 10/10

This movie was better than it should have been. I had seen Suicide Squad a few years back and the movie could've been awesome but for multiple reasons it was not. Blame the studio, director, his vision not being used, trailer makers, whatever. Either way it stank bad. I did not plan on seeing this until I saw who was directing it and had to at least check it out. Then they put the shit on HBO Max? Come on, now. So I watched The Suicide Squad...twice. I watched it and then watched it the next day and liked it even more the second time. I have not watched a movie back to back this way in a very long time.

This movie starts off letting folks know this is not gonna be a cute superhero film or anything like the first film. A man kills a bird with a ball within the first minute. A few minutes later a lot of people that I thought was starring in the film ended up on fire, with their faces blown off, or riddled with bullets. Task Force X is called into action and sent to South America and told to destroy a secret location called Jötunheim to take out something called Project: Starfish. The first team sent was pretty much being used as a distraction and most of them get killed immediately after arriving. The second team being led by Bloodsport successfully not dies. He doesn't want to be the team leader and doesn't want to be here. Waller is making him do it or else who daughter who was arrested will be right in prison with him at the age of 16. Waller is a monster.

I'm sitting here trying to write this crazy ass movie out and am struggling because the movie is not told in a linear manner and its crazy as hell. This movie was great. It was funny. Visually it was a perfect mixture of gore and comedy. They took characters that I had either never heard of or thought would never be put in a TV show let alone movie and made them cool. This movie made me cheer Polka Dot Man and smile for Ratcatcher 2. How?! I know that the director, James Gunn, did the same thing with Guardians Of The Galaxy parts one and two so I knew that he would at least make this interesting. I had no idea that I would love it. I actually wrote about Marvel fucking up by releasing him to help out a very much suffering DC Comics in this post. I would have loved to have seen this in theaters but with people randomly shooting folks and not feeling 100% comfortable with going to a theater that is even close to half full I was fine seeing this at home. If I had the chance to see this again in a year or so in a movie theater full of fans I would absolutely do it.

I should mention some standout characters. Bloodsport. This guy is someone I think I heard of before. He is cool as hell. I am so glad he replaced Deadshot from the first movie. Watching him slap extra shit on his gun was cool. Ratcatcher 2 was far better than I expected her to be. I figured she would sleep the entire time and maybe be useful once. Nope. Plus I liked her backstory involving her father. King Shark was more interesting than I thought they would make him. He wasn't just a brute and Hulk-lite-ish. He was funny as terrifying. Polka Dot Man and the use of his mother (and it being shown) as the source of his anger made me laugh every time. Harley Quinn was better than she was in Birds Of Prey. I can only take so much of her and they used just the right amount. Hell, even Rick Flag was good in this! I didn't know why they were bringing him back but I'm glad they did. Peacemaker deserves his own series and I'm glad that is being done. He was fucking ridiculous and good. And a huge asshole.

If you are on the fence about seeing this movie don't be. I understand that the first one was not a good movie and after watching it again a while back I disliked it even more. Please don't threaten me with a directors cut. I have not seen a movie rebound this well since Thor: Ragnarok. Watch this while you can on HBO Max and let me know what you think. I don't know what else to say. I just really enjoyed this movie. 

Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn

Idris Elba as Robert DuBois/Bloodsport

John Cena as Christopher Smith/Peacemaker

Joel Kinnaman as Col. Rick Flag

Sylvester Stallone as Nanaue/King Shark

Viola Davis as Amanda Waller

Jai Courtney as George "Digger" Harkness/Captain Boomerang

Peter Capaldi as Dr. Gaius Grieves/The Thinker

David Dastmalchian as Abner Krill/Polka-Dot Man

Daniela Melchior as Cleo Cazo/Ratcatcher 2

Click here for previous The Review.

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