Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Review: Outer Range Season 2

Outer Range Season 2 (6/10)

I really struggled coming up with a score for this season. The more I sat on it after finishing with L. a couple of weeks ago the lower the score dropped. Some of it has to do with timelines and time travel not being explained. On top of all of that this is an Amazon series and there is no guarantee that there will be a third season to possibly answer any question I have. I can't write this as a straight up review so this will be more of me asking questions and trying to answer them myself without looking things up. This is gonna be a mess.

Is Autumn and Amy the same person?

Yes. It turns out that somehow they are.

How are they existing in the same time period without any kind of paradox or something? How is Autumn an adult without going back in time to where Amy is a child?!

I am super not sure about this one. Amy ends up being tossed into the hole and waking up in some other point and can't remember her own name but thinks it is Autumn.

So has Autumn started her cult?

Not yet. Not even sure where she gets all the followers we see in the future that doesn't seem so far away. Seems she only starts one because people believe her crazy nonsense.

What's up with Royal?

I'm not sure anymore. The story of how he killed his father and ran into the hole a hundred years ago gets changed...but not? I'll touch on that later. We get to see him at three different time periods and the more we see the more questions come up that do not get answered so that stinks.

So did Royal actually kill his dad?

According to two versions we see, yes, he did kill his father. Once on accident and another to save Joy.

Wait. How did Royal as a child come across present day Joy?

Remember when she walked into the past (this is something L. refuses to let go because everyone else fell into that hole)? She was stuck there for four years and met another woman from the 1970's that fell into the hole and has been there for over ten years. Joy meets Royal and his family and after an attempted assault on a young Native American girl Joy starts shooting folks and gets hunted. She turns Royal against his dad and he shoots him. She follows Royal and they jump into the hole. She emerges and the actual time that has passed is three days or so.

So does Royal remember any of this?

It sure don't seem like it from how he reacts to seeing Joy and her telling him this version of history. He just goes “Hm-mm.”

So what about Royal's son Rhett?

Rhett tries to leave with Maria but he finds out Amy is missing and then all manner of bullshit keeps him from leaving. He then decides to betray his family for cash to that asshole scientist. It came out of nowhere and felt strange and forced.

Okay. So Perry jumped into the hole. Where he at?

Oh, lord. So Perry lands in the 80s and meets his father and mother but they are not together. He punches Wayne Tillerman (the evil ranch dude). He ends up traveling back to the future but the night he killed the Tillerman boy Trevor setting off all this chaos. In this version he gets punched and dies and Trevor runs off seeing two Perry's. He takes his body and dumps it into the hole.

Does Royal remember hanging out with his son in the past?

He gives a look that neither confirms nor denies this knowledge.

What's going on with the mom, Cecilia?

She is hunting down Amy's mom who took her at the end of the first season. She finds this dude that she was boning down with and discovers that Amy's mom is hanging with some ladies in a domestic violence shelter. Royal finally told her the truth about himself and the hole and she took it pretty damn well.

How are the Tillerson's doing?

The father Wayne is up and recovered from his coma or whatnot. After Billy rubbed some of that hole dust on his lips he is right as rain. He jumps into the hole after Billy is found dead. Billy who was shot by Royal and rolled over in a truck is recovering until his father rubbed the dust on his lips and he gets better until the oldest brother Luke bashes him in the head and kills him.

Why did Luke kill his brother?!

Because Luke is a loser and wants to be with Amy like he is in the visions he has. He also takes the dust that Billy kept to Amy.

How does this season end?

With Royal having some pains and going to the hospital. Joy being confused and feeling fucked up from living in the past and being shot. Amy fell in the hole. Autumn dies after being shot by Joy but comes back to life. Perry is in the near past. Rhett is a dick. Amy's mom was told the truth by Autumn who took the dust and got her memories back causing visions that were shared by Amy.

I think I covered about as much as I want to right now. I have watched so many movies and shows with time travel but never one where there are zero rules to it. They go back in time and change so much shit that makes zero difference in the present. Like, Wayne in present day takes some dust and pops into his body in the 80s and sees Perry but nothing comes of it. Royal should have remembered seeing Joy or something should have changed because of that alteration. Perry knows that bodies pop back up out the hole (like Trevor's did in season one) but still tosses his own body into it. There should at the very least be an alternate reality explanation or present day looking different because of things changing in the 1800s or the 1980s. It doesn't. I am curious about a third season but the more I think about it the less excited I am. This season came out of nowhere and we watched it over a week or so. I'm not biting my nails waiting for another. I'm good. The first season was pretty damn cool but seeing how this season turned out I couldn't suggest it to friends as something worth watching anymore. I don't mind mysteries or having questions but not when the answers start to make no sense.

Josh Brolin as Royal Abbott

Imogen Poots as Autumn

Lili Taylor as Cecilia Abbott

Tom Pelphrey as Perry Abbott

Tamara Podemski as Deputy Sheriff Joy Hawk

    Lewis Pullman as Rhett Abbott

    Noah Reid as Billy Tillerson

    Shaun Sipos as Luke Tillerson

    Olive Elise Abercrombie as Amy Abbott

Isabel Arraiza as Maria Olivares

    Will Patton as Wayne Tillerson

Matt Lauria as Trevor Tillerson

Click here for previous The Review.

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