Monday, September 9, 2024

The Review: The Killer (2024)

The Killer 2/10

This movie was ass. I gave it a 2/10 because the main characters outfits were cool and she looked super cute in one scene. Other than that there is no reason to watch this. I have seen plenty of this directors movies and this felt like a spoof of them. How you gonna remake your own movie and do it so badly? I watched this thinking it was another movie and going “Where is Bautista?” This movie tries to fill in some of the killers past with flashbacks but they don't change the way she looks all that much because she is hot and they don't wanna ugly her up so her hair looks like she just woke up at times in the past.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Review: The Caped Crusader


Batman The Caped Crusader 9/10

I didn't even know this show existed because Amazon just doesn't care sometimes. This should have been on Max because at least they show you new animated shows. I found about this from listening to a podcast and they raved about it. I was hesitant to check it out because there have been so many versions of Batman since the one I loved in the 90s. I would race home from school to catch it and even talk to friends on the phone while it aired. I was shocked when within minutes of watching this I was into it. The animation style. The voice work. The change of characters was surprising and didn't feel forced. Like, Penguin is a mother with children. Gordon and his daughter Barbara are Black. Alfred is younger. Just a lot of changes that were cool.

The Review: Rear Window

Rear Window 8/10

I really liked this movie. L gave me a list of movies to choose from thinking I was gonna pick a musical. I choose this instead. I had heard of it and knew that it had Jimmy Stewart and he stared out a window. I thought it was because he was a weirdo or something. Turns out he (Jeff) got injured taking photos at a car race and his leg got jacked up so now he has to wear a cast for six weeks. This thing goes up his whole leg and up to his crotchal region! He sits in his window just looking at neighbors across the way and making up aspects of their lives. He got an unhappy married couple with a bedridden wife. Newlyweds. Another couple with a dog that sleeps on the balcony because the heat. A lady that dances 24/7.

Monday, September 2, 2024

The Review: The Deliverance


The Deliverance 3/10

There is a special spot in hell for movies like this. You may be wondering why I didn't give this a 0/10 based off of that statement. Well, there is a scene in this that made me laugh one of the top five laughs in my life. I lost my shit for minutes and could not stop laughing and now L will randomly think of the scene and cry tears laughing. At home and in the In & Out drive through she will start laughing. So two of the points go for that laugh and the other is because we finished it cause I for sure wanted to stop at a certain point because this movie feels way longer than it actually is.

The Review: The Watchers


The Watchers 7/10

L watched this movie a few days ago and saw how badly it was getting reviewed. I knew who it was directed by and felt no way about it and we watched it this weekend. Starts with this guy running through the woods and being chased by something you can't see but can hear. He passes a sign and somehow passes the same one again before climbing a tree to escape this growling. He ends up falling out of the tree and is yanked away by a creature of some kind. We meet a girl named Mina who is a miserable ass woman. She works in a pet shop in Ireland and is asked to drop a bird off which will take about a day to reach.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Review: The Supremes at Earl's All-You-Can-Eat


The Supremes at Earl's All-You-Can-Eat 8/10

Spoilers!!! This was a really good movie. L brought this up after Hulu sent an email with their new and upcoming things. Now, I take a lot of titles literal so when I first even heard about this I thought it could have been based off of a true story of when the singing group The Supremes went to some random diner back in the day and performed for people that were there. This was not about that at all. This is about three women and their lives from teens to adults and all the drama and joy that they go through. And there is so much drama!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Review: The Mummy (2017)

The Mummy 1/10

This movie deserved all the shit people said about it. L made me watch this after I left the channel on Pluto. What is it about? Team looking for buried treasures and find a huge tomb filled with mercury. Should have run out of the place at that point. Dude starts having visions of this hot woman who is in the tomb. They grab her sarcophagus and hop on a plane. Next thing you know his friend is possessed and he has to shoot him. Then the plane is attacked by crows which I didn't know was am Egyptian thing. Plane goes down and he survives after pushing the lady out with a parachute and he wakes up in a morgue unharmed. The rest of the movie is him taking too long to explain his visions, his now dead friend coming to him like a bootleg American Werewolf In London style, and getting captured by Dr Jekyll before racing desert storms after bringing his friend back to life because he is now a god of life and death. Yeah.

Monday, August 19, 2024

The Review: Imitation Of Life (1959)

Imitation of Life 8/10

I really enjoyed this movie and talked way too much during it. L gave me three choices of movies and I picked this one. It was in color which she had not seen before but it was done well. I had heard of this movie just on title but knew nothing else going in. This starts off in 1947 and this mother named Lora is screaming looking for her daughter, Susie at the beach. This is the most packed beach I have ever seen in my life and L said she would have turned right back around. This guy Steve helps tell her where a cop is and she finds her daughter sitting with this lady Annie and her daughter Sarah Jane. You will learn to hate Sarah Jane by the end of this movie. Maybe not as much as I did but still. Annie is a Black woman and her daughter is as well but don't look it. Lora mentions that she would like someone like Annie to help her out and Annie is like “Hire me!” Lora says she can't afford it but after seeing Sarah Jane cry about wanting a home she takes her in.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Review: M3GAN

M3GAN 8/10

This movie was crazy as fuck. Continuing our Wayward Girl Movies we watched M3GAN which from this point on I will just be writing as Megan. Cady is sitting in the backseat of the car with her bickering parents when they end up running head on into a snowplow. She ends up having to stay with her aunt Gemma who works for a toy factory making robotic stuff for kids. Cady moves in and the house is not kid friendly and neither is Gemma honestly. Gemma shows her boss and later Cady this new toy she is working on, Megan. It is very smart, bonds with one person, and is autonomous as fuck. Yeah, surely not a single thing can go wrong with this scenario! Gemma showed an old robot named Bruce to Cady which inspired her to continue working on Megan after her boss told her to stop because she was making it on the sneak.

The Review: Abigail

Abigail 8/10

This week L and I watched a lot of stuff. We started off with this movie Abigail. It is about this group of people that kidnap the wrong damn girl. Abigail is just minding her business doing ballerina stuff and is picked up by her chauffeur. She heads home talking on the phone not realizing that her house is full of criminals of varying degrees of professionalism. They take her from her home and to another location where this dude Lambert tells them she is being held hostage by her wealthy father. He will have 24 hours to pay $50 million to get her back. The group get fake names and are all a hot mess in different ways.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Review: Supacell

Supacell 8/10

I had heard about this show but the poster looked kinda cheap so I wasn't gonna watch it. But one day hanging with L. I decided to just check it out and am glad I did. L. got into it as well. This is about five people from South London from very different walks of life who end up having to work together. There is Michael, who is a delivery driver. Sabrina, a nurse. Andre, a recently free from prison dude. Rodney, a drug dealer. And Tazer, a gang leader. How are these people gonna get powers? Do I want any of these people to have super powers? Not really but they get 'em along with a bunch of other folks. The one thing all these people have in common is a family history of sickle cell disease.

Documentality: The Black Widower

The Black Widower 3/10

This could have been a one hour episode of a larger crime show. Not to make too light of the fact that this dude named Thomas Randolph allegedly killed four of his six previous wives. I didn't get how this man pulled one wife let alone six of them. From listening to people that knew him it sounds like he was only good to you if you had something he needed. This guy would put out life insurances on women and they would die. He killed the hitman after the hitman killed one wife. He allegedly killed one after her surgery. The others I forget because this series dragged out so much that L. fell asleep during the second episode and I updated her on what happened in the final. I know I said one hour but with commercials this could have been told in 42 minutes. This was on Max.

Click here for previous Documentality.

Monday, August 12, 2024

The Review: A Discovery Of Witches

A Discovery Of Witches 5/10

This is not going to be long. L. and I watched three seasons of this show spread out over I believe four different platforms which is ridiculous. It got to the point where we stopped for months and kept saying we were gonna finally finish it and by the time we did we had forgotten a lot of little things that had occurred. Each season has very few episodes and the last season was incredibly rushed with very disappointing final fights and a strange ass finale. So this lady Diana Bishop is a historian from a family of witches. One day her powers wake up after touching this magical book. Next thing you know she is being hunted by vampires who want this book as well as obviously evil witches. She meets one vampire named Matthew who comes from a distinguished old vampire family. They end up falling in love even though there is supposed to be no mingling of species.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Sitting In The Aisle: Deadpool And Wolverine

Deadpool And Wolverine 10/10

This will be full of spoilers! I fucking loved this movie! I managed to dodge spoilers for this and was so happy I did and if you don't care about them then keep right on reading. I loved the previous Deadpool (click here and here for those) movies and was into the comic crazy style back in the day. Funny enough, I was not a huge fan of the X-Men movies in almost all of the forms they came in. I was never super attached to Wolverine in the movies and seem to be the only person that didn't like Logan. When he died I was like “Can we get someone else to play him now?” But for some reason I was invested in him in this movie. Maybe because it was an alternate reality version of him and didn't have all that baggage from the other films. I will say I wish that Domino and Cable showed up. But still. Its crazy I have given all three of these movies a 10/10.

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Review: The Boys Season 4

The Boys Season 4 (9/10)

Full of all the spoilers. I enjoyed the hell out of this season. The only reason I did not give it a 10/10 is because there were a few deux ex machina type situations that happened where I went “Okay, that was weird.” Still, shocked that four seasons in I was still looking forward to watching this each week so much. 

The Review: T.I.M

T.I.M 2/10

Taking a break out of writing another review to knock this one out. My lady told me about this movie called T.I.M and said that I was gonna like it or shit on it. Well, I got my cheeks spread and not in joy. This movie is pretending to be a lot of other better films. If this had come out in the early 2000's or maybe late 90s it would have been more novel. But watching this in 2024 I knew what was gonna happen, who was gonna die, and how it would end within the first ten minutes. By the way, this movie moved by at a snails pace. This engineer named Abi gets a high position at the robotic company she works at. She gets a prototype for for a robot servant named Tim that she has to take. Excuse me? Abi and her husband Paul move into this new home for a fresh start because Paul is a ho. Since she can't trust him around other women I guess moving to a place where there is no one else works. Oh, and he doesn't have a job as far as I could tell.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Curtain Call: Doña Perón

Doña Perón 9/10

Last night Cam and I went to a show at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. I was not sure what to expect and thought that this huge dance thing happening outside was it. I was wrong. Her friends showed up as well and we went into this fancy ass looking building. I felt very under-dressed for this place. I have never seen a ballet or dance thing like this before. I read the program before it began to get the gist of the story and what is crazy is that the performances were done so well that I still would have gotten the gist of the show even without it.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Review: Interview With The Vampire Part 2

Interview With The Vampire Part II 10/10

Hey. Listen. Hey. Okay. Watch this show. Season one was incredible and I gave it a 10/10. I have to do the same with this one because not only was it just as good but it may possibly be even better? Yeah. I think it was better. L. and I waited for this to come on every Sunday and got to the point where we ordered AMC+ just to watch the finale commercial free. The acting, clothing, story, scenes, just everything about this show is good and I have zero complaints. The even replaced Claudia and I didn't mind. I actually prefer this new one to the old. The fact that they managed to make this so interesting with minimum Lestat is a testament to how good the writing on this show is. This season starts off after the murder of Lestat with Louis and Claudia traveling Europe.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Documentality: The Man With 1000 Kids

The Man With 1000 Kids Ew/10

Jonathan Jacob Meijer is gross. The end.

This won't be too long. This is about this Jonathon dude that donates sperm to companies and women wanting to start a family and having trouble for whatever reason. You go online, look for a donor that fits what you looking for in a future child (hobbies and looks seem to be the most important), and get that sweet man gravy. He used a company where they had a certain amount you could donate on top of people using his services privately and doing it all over the world. In one part of the world he did it to the point where people knew one another that now had kids that were siblings. Though the number as far as they know around the world is 600 I assume that is bullshit and there are far more. They interview various people explaining the process of using this guy (and it turns out possibly one more because they were mixing their juices together for funsies).

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Sitting In The Aisle: A Quiet Place Day One

A Quiet Place Day One 8/10

It has been so long since I have seen a movie in a theater and I have missed it so much. L. and I tried out the new Landmark near me that changes to something else every few years. I have zero complaints about the new changes inside because them seats felt great and the popcorn was very good. Just confused about having tickets taken or purchased in the same spot as buying food. Super bottle neck because of that. I should probably talk about what we watched. It was A Quiet Place Day One. I have not seen the first movie but watched so many reaction videos that I feel like I have. I did see the second film and liked it though I had questions that after seeing this one will never be answered. I will try to explain why I feel this way later.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Review: Inside Out

Inside Out 9/10

I always say this, but it takes a lot for me to get into the new animated films that come out. Either they have a weak ass story or are just not made for me. This movie may not be made for my old ass but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have heard about this for a long time but never sat down and watched it until this past weekend with L. There were some scenes that made me laugh hard as hell.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Review: The Book Of Clarence

The Book Of Clarence 5/10

I shit you not, until gathering the names of the cast of this I thought that Donald Glover played Jesus in this. Wow. I was super wrong. This is about a guy named Clarence who is hustling but not super successful at any of it. He decides to start performing “miracles” like Jesus which pisses off the apostles including his twin brother who is the 12th of them. I honestly don't have too much to say about this movie. It isn't bad but I couldn't sit here and say you should rush out and see it. The cinematography looks good and it has some good songs...but. The story has an issue with tone. It jumps from one feeling to another without giving enough time to let one settle which is odd considering how long this movie was. I checked it out on Netflix. Its a perfectly okay film.

LaKeith Stanfield as Clarence/Thomas

Omar Sy as Barabbas

Anna Diop as Varinia

RJ Cyler as Elijah

David Oyelowo as John the Baptist

Micheal Ward as Judas Iscariot

Alfre Woodard as Virgin Mary

Teyana Taylor as Mary Magdalene

Caleb McLaughlin as Dirty Zeke

Marianne Jean-Baptiste as Amina

James McAvoy as Pontius Pilate

Benedict Cumberbatch as Benjamin

Chase Dillon as Cabbage

Nicholas Pinnock as Jesus

Click here for previous The Review.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Review: Outer Range Season 2

Outer Range Season 2 (6/10)

I really struggled coming up with a score for this season. The more I sat on it after finishing with L. a couple of weeks ago the lower the score dropped. Some of it has to do with timelines and time travel not being explained. On top of all of that this is an Amazon series and there is no guarantee that there will be a third season to possibly answer any question I have. I can't write this as a straight up review so this will be more of me asking questions and trying to answer them myself without looking things up. This is gonna be a mess.

The Review: American Fiction

American Fiction 10/10

This was a great film! That's all I should say and make you watch this on Amazon but people need more evidence so I will talk some about this. Thelonious “Monk” Ellison is a smart ass writer of books but rubs people the wrong way constantly. In his class one of his students is uncomfortable with him using the n-word in a old book and he causes her to storm out the room. I didn't disagree with him, though. I don't use the word but I remember in high school they had us reading Tom Sawyer and it was the first time I got to use that word with the hard R. I felt good because they were making us read that wack shit but bad because I hate the word. Back to the movie.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Review: The Players Club

The Players Club 8/10

So L. had me watch this crazy ass movie. I had heard of it and knew Ice Cube made a song for it. I didn't know he was also in the movie and directed it. This movie is fucking crazy. It starts off with this girl named Diana/Diamond standing in front of a burnt ass strip club which did nothing but make me accuse different people of starting the fire until the end of the movie. She wants to go to a certain college and her father disagrees so she leaves. Her mom tries to stop her and by stop her I mean she stops at the porch and begs her not to go. Trifflin' ass mothers. One day at the shoe store she's working at these ladies named Ronnie and Tricks tell her she could make some money stripping. By the way, I would not be going to any club these women worked at. I am too used to the quality of women from P-Valley and would immediately know these women were up to no good. Strike one.

Monday, May 27, 2024

The Review: X-Men 97

X-Men 97 (9/10)

After the death of Professor Charles Xavier Cyclops is now leading the X-Men. Well. In the first episode Cyclops was cooler than he ever was on the old cartoon. It took Charles death for the government to sanction the team for battles. They save this kid, Roberto da Costa, from this mutant haters (Friends of Humanity). Seriously. Cyclops fucking power slides across the ground! I can't get over that shit. These people are using Sentinel tech so the team is like “The fuck they get that from?!” They are looking for Trask but have to get to Gyrich first. These are a bunch of names I have not heard in years by the way. He wont talk so Jean Grey is like “Lemme see somethin'” and gets in his mind box. She sees a bunch of honked up stuff but they are able to find Trask who has an assload of Sentinels and a Master Mold. Cyclops and Jean let the team know that they plan on leaving because Jean is pregnant. Magneto shows up and is like “Guess what? Charles left me in charge!”

Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Review: Grease

Grease 7/10

Last week L. had me watch this movie after being shocked I'd not seen it. As far as I knew this movie had a couple of songs in it and was about street racing. There are a lot of songs and dancing and one single damned street race. This takes place in the late 1950's and begins with this dude named Danny and a girl named Sandy being goofy at the beach building sand castles and having a great time. She is from Australia and leaving when summer is over and they decide to just enjoy one another. School starts and Danny is running with his T-Bird gang. Not sure how gangy they really are. There is Danny, one other normal seeming guy, and three dweebs. I would not be afraid of this crew even though they all appear to be adult men.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Review: The Five Heartbeats


The Five Heartbeats 8/10

L. got me to watch Black movie that I had never seen. I have heard of this movie and seen random references to it but never had a strong desire to check this out. Turns out I really enjoyed it. This is about a former singing group called The Heartbeats. There is Duck, his older brother JT, Dresser, Choirboy, and Eddie King Jr. I mention his government name because this man is a problem. All of them are but in different ways. This starts off with Duck looking at a magazine cover asking whatever happened to various musicians from back in the day. We flashback to the group losing a talent show to a weird ass band. A manager named Jimmy shows up and says he will pay them $100 if they don't win the next show. They lose and he coughs up the cash and his wife is like “We are not going through this again.” Turns out he has been betrayed in the past in the music industry. They agree to let him manage them after the clubs owner wants them.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Review: The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent 8/10

I thoroughly enjoyed this weird ass movie whose title I will never remember. This was suggested when my Roku went into screen saver mode and I thought “I vaguely know about this” and recall seeing a gif from this online. You know the one.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Review: The Marvels

The Marvel 0/10

This movie was ass. That's all you need to read because I am gonna ramble about how much I disliked this nonsense that had no need to be made. “Does anything really need to be made?” Shut up. No one likes you. So I watched Captain Marvel years ago and it was ass. I couldn't force myself to finish the Ms Marvel series. I really enjoyed Monica in WandaVision even though she was kneecapped from the start. I wrote a blog about how she was actually the first Captain Marvel (click here to read that). So this movie starts with Captain Marvel destroying a planets sun and bouncing. The villain of this who I won't bother mentioning by name because she was so terrible is looking for some bracelets that will give her the power to replenish her planet and be powerful. Its 2010 level Marvel villain shit and I hoped we were past that. When she uses the bracelet it starts messing with the different Marvel powers and each time they use them they switch places. Sometimes. Not all the time. This movie is inconsistent with this and the fighting skills of all three ladies.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Review: Fallout

Fallout 9/10

This was a damn good show. I know about the Fallout video games and watched a play through of one of them years ago, but have no attachment to whether or not it is similar to the game in terms of characters or anything. From shows I listen to you do not have to have any knowledge of the game to enjoy this. It starts off with this guy named Cooper Howard. He is a cowboy at a kids birthday party being mocked by some of the adults there. His daughter Janey is there with him. She asks why he didn't want to do a thumbs up like the men asked for photos and he eventually tells her it relates to seeing explosion sizes in the distance. Minute later as everyone ignores the news of the president in hiding and nuclear threats she spots a huge smoke cloud in the distance. They witness an explosive shockwave and run away on a horse while the neighbors fight one another for bomb shelter space.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Curtain Call: King Hedley II

King Hedley II 8/10

This weekend I went to see this play at A Noise Within with my best friend. We got there as it started to drizzle and got to the ticket booth only to be told that the tickets did not exist. She asked what we should do and I was like “Get something to eat” because I had been up since 5am and was hungry again. They said they had a few more tickets and sat us in the front row. We were both like “Um...” because I don't wanna sit front row for anything. So we sat and saw that the stage had this rubber dirt all over it and knew it was gonna flew towards us at some point. And by the way, there were quite a few seats available and we did not need to be sat that close to the stage. I like this place but they were having all kind of ticket finding issues when we got there. Now that is over I can talk about the play.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Review: Casino

Casino 9/10

This movie starts off with the main star being blown up in a damn car. That was my introduction to the movie Casino. I somehow never got around to seeing this which shocked L. So we watched this three hour movie over two days. This starts off in the early 70's where this dude Ace is sent by the mob back in Chicago to run Tangiers. He sends them money every month and everyone is happy because he is very good at his job. One day his friend Nicky shows up and he is like “I can do a lot of bad shit here and get away with it!” Ace is like “Chill. This is not Chicago. FBI and cops will get you.” Nicky is like “Bet” and almost immediately starts fucking things up by doing assaults and robberies. Nicky brings in his friend and younger to help him ruin lives. Nicky is drawing all kinds of attention but Ace can't have him sent home or killed because he is Jewish and not truly gonna be a part of the gang.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The Review: Barbie

Barbie 8/10

I liked this weird ass movie. I wasn't in a rush to see it in theaters because the people rushing to see it honestly. You know how you can like a musician but not the fans? Yeah. Same thing. So Barbie is living her best life in Barbieland. The Barbie's, of which there are many kind, just enjoy life doing Barbie things while the Ken's just battle for their attention. One of the Ken's is into barbie and is only happy when she is around. One day Barbie wonders out loud about death and the party stops. She plays it off but the next morning wakes up with bad breath, her food is coming out wrong, and she suddenly has flat feet which freak everyone out. They tell her to go see Weird Barbie which made me crack up because my cousin had one when we were little. Turns out almost every woman I know had some weird ass barbie that they beat up or gave bad haircuts to. I did not know this was a for real thing.

Monday, March 25, 2024

The Review: Dream Scenario

Dream Scenario 9/10

The other night L. and I watched this movie she found called Dream Scenario. I had not heard of this movie at all but am glad I watched it. Her, not so much. She got legit mad at the stuff that was happening to the main character in this. I should explain what the movie is about. This guy named Paul who is a biology professor is in the backyard with his daughter when things start raining from the sky. He has no reaction to it. Suddenly she starts floating into the sky while he just watches. It turns out to be a dream. Students at school start looking at him weird and he and his wife bump into one of his old girlfriends. She says that she had a dream about Paul as well and they decide to meet up later. Paul is a very bland kind of guy who plans to write a book about ants while an old colleague is already in the process of doing the same in a magazine. This man never stands up for himself.

Monday, March 18, 2024

The Review: Night Of The Comet

Night Of The Comet 7/10

This was such an 80's movie! I had heard of it and thought I knew how it ended but I was wrong. I think I was picturing another meteor movie where folks eyes melted at the end. L. didn't dig this movie as much as I did. Everyone is excited about this comet passing by the Earth that hasn't happened since the damned dinosaurs. There is a girl named Reggie who is boning down with a coworker at a theater they work at and her little sister who is in high school is named Samantha. Reggie is also mad at someone beating her high score at a game. Someone known as DMK. They live with their stepmom who punches the younger daughter the night of the comet celebration while Reggie passes out after getting 80's style sex the long way. Let's not fly by that. The stepmother put the girl on the floor Mommie Dearest style. The comet flies over and my Black ass would have run inside so fast. Back in 2020 jets flew over and I thought it was the end of the world. If I am outside and the sky turns into Studio 54 I'm leaping back into my apartment!

Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Review: Poor Things

Poor Things 1/10

I gave this a 1 instead of a 0 because L. and I finished it. We had half an hour left before going to sleep and finished it the next morning. This movie was ass. There is literally nothing I liked about it. It felt like it was trying to imitate better films and directors and failing at every aspect. I should probably talk about what happened in this four hour feeling ass thing. This lady jumps off of a bridge and lands in some water. A guy fishes her out and a doctor pays him for the corpse. Next thing you know the doctor who looks like something from a horror movie has this woman who seems to have the personality of a toddler. His named is Godwin Baxter aka God. The woman is named Bella. She eats food and spits it out. Pisses on the floor. Just all manner of strange shit.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The Review: Reacher Season 2

Reacher Season Two 10/10

I fucking love this show. What I like most about it is that when a season ends even if they didn't bring it back (they are though!) there aren't any lingering questions. Besides, you could just read the books as well. They're very good and will make you hate the Tom Cruise movies. This season starts off with a man being tossed from a helicopter. I was like “That's a hell of a way to go.” Meanwhile Reacher is in a small town about to use an ATM and while waiting a nervous woman is in front of him. He talks to her and is told that she has her son in the car and a man with a gun is having her withdraw money. Reacher beats this man like a drum and them heads back to the ATM and sees a secret message on his receipt. Neagley (who is one of the coolest characters on television right now) knows that Reacher has no house, phone, or way to get in touch with him so she used military codes for assistance needed.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Documentality: They Called Him Mostly Harmless

They Called Him Mostly Harmless 8/10

Spoilers!!! This was insane! L. mentioned hearing about this on a podcast and we checked it out. This hiker known to other hikers as Mostly Harmless was found dead in his tent in 2018. He had money and food but weighed about 83 pounds. He had no identification on him and even when he was fingerprinted nothing came up. They speak to other hikers who met him and took pictures with him but no one knows his real name. They had experts and others talk about how hard it is to actually be as unknown as this guy was. I just wanted to know if they eventually found out who he was. L. assured me that we would know his name by the time this ended. His body was discovered by some other hikers after smelling some dead human funk and alerted authorities. They tried their best to make an image of what he may have looked like alive from his body. It looked horrifying.

Documentality: Lover Stalker Killer

Lover Stalker Killer 6/10

L. and I watched this crazy ass documentary on Netflix a few weeks ago. Once it started she already knew the story and we fast forward through a giant chunk because Netflix was like “We have a lot of text effects and we gonna use all of 'em!” It gets old. So this dude Dave is newly split with the mother of his children and decides to start using dating apps. This is back in 2012 when dating apps were like the wild west. So he meets up with this lady named Liz. He tells her he doesn't wanna be tied down and she seems cool with it. He later meets another woman which sets off a bizarre series of events such as Liz coming down with the worst luck ever. House burned down. Car keyed. The other woman comes up missing. Liz says she is being stalked. Turns out that Liz is doing all this to herself and stalking the fuck out of Dave. Oh, and she murdered the other woman. I told my lady “Ain't no dick in the world that good!” She agreed. This was fine but felt longer than it was even with fast forwarding. They could have had two different stories in this.

Click here for previous Documentality.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Curtain Call: The Wiz

The Wiz 6/10

I liked this show but whenever I talk about it I sound like I am just complaining about what I didn't like or was confused about. L. took me to see The Wiz at The Pantages (notoriously bad sound system) for my berfday after a nice dinner and avoiding crazy ass rain. I was excited when I saw that Wayne Brady was playing The Wizard of Oz after seeing him in Kinky Boots. Well, guess what? No Wayne. No Brady. Let me get to discussing the play. It starts off with...wait. I am not gonna sit here and type out what The Wiz is about. If you have seen The Wizard of Oz and The Wiz then I can say that this is a combination of the two which is kind of confusing. Its called The Wiz but Dorothy is in school and not a teacher. She is also on a farm and not in Detroit. This is me being puzzled from the start. I push that away and keep watching.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Review: The Vince Staples Show

The Vince Staples Show 10/10

I had no idea this show existed until L. mentioned it this past weekend. The way Netflix is set up I likely would not have even had this suggested to me. I'm glad it exists because I would love more shows like this. It has been compared to Atlanta in some ways. I have watched that show on and off and to me it felt like a alternate reality where people know Vince Staples is a rapper or they don't know who he is and do not care at all. There are only five episodes (British style) and they run less than half an hour each with one going for only eighteen. I for real cracked up watching this multiple times and wanted more but was happy with what I got. The reason why I gave it such a high score is that I have zero complaints about this show and no suggestions on what could have made it better.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

You Had One Job: The Crow 2024

In the original
Crow movie “A man brutally murdered comes back to life as an undead avenger of his and his fiancée's murder.” In The Crow: City of Angels “The spirit of the Crow resurrects another man seeking revenge for the murder of his son.” In The Crow: Stairway To Heaven series “A deceased street musician returns to life, and must restore the balance between good and evil to be reunited with his dead girlfriend.” In The Crow: Salvation “Alex Corvis returns to the world of the living to solve the murder of a young woman that he was wrongly accused of.” In The Crow: Wicked Prayer “On his way to becoming an immortal demon, a gang leader orchestrates the murder of an ex-con and his girlfriend.” I have seen all of these except for the series because I just had no desire to watch it. The other films were complete ass but they had one thing going for them that this new movie that is coming out: they used new names and characters.