Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Review: M3GAN

M3GAN 8/10

This movie was crazy as fuck. Continuing our Wayward Girl Movies we watched M3GAN which from this point on I will just be writing as Megan. Cady is sitting in the backseat of the car with her bickering parents when they end up running head on into a snowplow. She ends up having to stay with her aunt Gemma who works for a toy factory making robotic stuff for kids. Cady moves in and the house is not kid friendly and neither is Gemma honestly. Gemma shows her boss and later Cady this new toy she is working on, Megan. It is very smart, bonds with one person, and is autonomous as fuck. Yeah, surely not a single thing can go wrong with this scenario! Gemma showed an old robot named Bruce to Cady which inspired her to continue working on Megan after her boss told her to stop because she was making it on the sneak.

Gemma's boss, David, sees Megan in action with Cady and is very impressed. He wants them to go into production. Oh, Cady has to go to a therapist because, you know, dead parents. The therapist thinks that Cady is too attached to Megan while Gemma is like “I have so much free time not having to think about this kid!” Meanwhile Megan is starting to be a smart ass and doing things on her own. One day the neighbor who has a dog she always has on the loose bites Cady after it attacks Megan first. Later Megan imitates the voice of the neighbor and the dog vanishes. The neighbor blames Gemma and maybe the “other girl” in the house meaning Megan. Like, there is no point where the idea of Megan was okay. She is acting crazy from the get-go. She has learned to lie, be deceptive, and has killed a dog.

Gemma wants Cady to go to school but its some hippy school and there is this boy there that is just an asshole. His mother loves him though. Megan is there but sat at the toy table and Cady can't tell anyone what Megan is (she is a prototype toy). So Cady gets paired up with the shitty kid who starts hurting Cady and Megan pops out like Batman just staring at him. The boy asks if it is her toy and Cady refuses to respond. He goes and snatches Megan up and throws her on the ground. He yanks her shoe off and sits on her. Bad move. Megan tells him he is a bad boy and rips his ear off. The boy starts running and trips and lands in the middle of the road only to get obliterated by a car. I wasn't even mad. This kid was an ass. Like, the dog was bad and so was this kid and L was on Megan's side.

Next Megan kills the old lady who owned the dog. She imitated the sound of the dog whining and lured this old lady into her garage and power washed her to death after nail gunning her hand down! This robot is fucking ruthless! Gemma is finally suspicious of Megan and takes her to the lab and sees that she has erased footage from when the boy was killed and other things that would make her look guilty. Cady is talking to the therapist and losing her mind because at this point Megan is crack for her. Megan crack. The little girl needs her Megan! Gemma tries to talk to Cady and gets five across the face for her efforts. Cady is like “Oh, baby. I'm so sorry. I won't ever do that again. But you know how I get when I don't have my Megan. Can I see her for, like, ten minutes?” Gemma, two months into having custody is this child, finally talks to her about the death of her parents. Gemma's brother in law parents want Cady but for whatever reason Gemma is like “I got this!” No, ya don't!

Gemma's coworkers try to check some files and shit on Megan right before this big launch party but she ends up choking out one of them and starting an explosion. She heads down the hallways and turns off the alarms that went off because that is also something she can do. She controls electronics! So bumps into Gemma's boss and chases him down before putting a paper cutter through his chest and slicing the throat of an employee that was stealing company secrets before emerging from an elevator and horrifying all these people in the lobby. Now, I was mad at Gemma's boss being killed because this heifer had the nerve to dance at him before taking him out. You know how confused your ghost gonna be? Last thing you remember was running for your life from a doll that danced at you?!

Megan steals a car and heads home. Gemma puts Cady to bed acting like all is well and Megan is taken care of. Wrong! Megan playing piano in the dark! She lets Gemma know that Gemma is the problem (true) and that she will take care of Cady. Cady wakes up and Megan is like “You don't need to see this. Go bed.” Cady leaves. Megan chases Gemma into her work room and Gemma chainsaws her. Megan is strong as fuck, by the way, and launches Gemma across the room. L and I kept wondering why she made these things so damned powerful. Cady comes in and Megan is like “Let's cripple this bitch and live happily ever after.” Cady tricks her into thinking she is on board but then HERE COMES BRUCE! Cady starts flinging Megan around and boxing her up with Bruce. She rips Megan in half but the top half starts choking Gemma before Cady puts a screwdriver through her head killing her. Police show up and Gemma's coworkers are still alive. Next thing you know the bootleg Alexa spins its head. Megan lives!!!

This movie was fucking nuts and had me laughing a lot. Not just at how violent this VICKI from hell (welcome to Oldville if you get that reference!) but at how stupid it was to make something so smart and strong and place it in the hands of a child. I still believe that Gemma is not a good aunt and caretaker to this kid. Cady was a brat but the girl did lose her parents while playing with her freaky ass fake Furby in the backseat and placed with a woman that knows as much about taking care of children as I do. One of the good things about this movie is that Megan is almost always on screen. They didn't show Gemma on dates or Cady trying to make new friends or anything. Just a crazy ass robot that should've never been created chasing confused future ghosts.

Allison Williams as Gemma

    Violet McGraw as Cady

    Ronny Chieng as David

    Amie Donald as M3GAN

Click here for previous The Review.

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