Monday, July 22, 2024

The Review: The Boys Season 4

The Boys Season 4 (9/10)

Full of all the spoilers. I enjoyed the hell out of this season. The only reason I did not give it a 10/10 is because there were a few deux ex machina type situations that happened where I went “Okay, that was weird.” Still, shocked that four seasons in I was still looking forward to watching this each week so much. 

The Review: T.I.M

T.I.M 2/10

Taking a break out of writing another review to knock this one out. My lady told me about this movie called T.I.M and said that I was gonna like it or shit on it. Well, I got my cheeks spread and not in joy. This movie is pretending to be a lot of other better films. If this had come out in the early 2000's or maybe late 90s it would have been more novel. But watching this in 2024 I knew what was gonna happen, who was gonna die, and how it would end within the first ten minutes. By the way, this movie moved by at a snails pace. This engineer named Abi gets a high position at the robotic company she works at. She gets a prototype for for a robot servant named Tim that she has to take. Excuse me? Abi and her husband Paul move into this new home for a fresh start because Paul is a ho. Since she can't trust him around other women I guess moving to a place where there is no one else works. Oh, and he doesn't have a job as far as I could tell.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Curtain Call: Doña Perón

Doña Perón 9/10

Last night Cam and I went to a show at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. I was not sure what to expect and thought that this huge dance thing happening outside was it. I was wrong. Her friends showed up as well and we went into this fancy ass looking building. I felt very under-dressed for this place. I have never seen a ballet or dance thing like this before. I read the program before it began to get the gist of the story and what is crazy is that the performances were done so well that I still would have gotten the gist of the show even without it.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Review: Interview With The Vampire Part 2

Interview With The Vampire Part II 10/10

Hey. Listen. Hey. Okay. Watch this show. Season one was incredible and I gave it a 10/10. I have to do the same with this one because not only was it just as good but it may possibly be even better? Yeah. I think it was better. L. and I waited for this to come on every Sunday and got to the point where we ordered AMC+ just to watch the finale commercial free. The acting, clothing, story, scenes, just everything about this show is good and I have zero complaints. The even replaced Claudia and I didn't mind. I actually prefer this new one to the old. The fact that they managed to make this so interesting with minimum Lestat is a testament to how good the writing on this show is. This season starts off after the murder of Lestat with Louis and Claudia traveling Europe.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Documentality: The Man With 1000 Kids

The Man With 1000 Kids Ew/10

Jonathan Jacob Meijer is gross. The end.

This won't be too long. This is about this Jonathon dude that donates sperm to companies and women wanting to start a family and having trouble for whatever reason. You go online, look for a donor that fits what you looking for in a future child (hobbies and looks seem to be the most important), and get that sweet man gravy. He used a company where they had a certain amount you could donate on top of people using his services privately and doing it all over the world. In one part of the world he did it to the point where people knew one another that now had kids that were siblings. Though the number as far as they know around the world is 600 I assume that is bullshit and there are far more. They interview various people explaining the process of using this guy (and it turns out possibly one more because they were mixing their juices together for funsies).

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Sitting In The Aisle: A Quiet Place Day One

A Quiet Place Day One 8/10

It has been so long since I have seen a movie in a theater and I have missed it so much. L. and I tried out the new Landmark near me that changes to something else every few years. I have zero complaints about the new changes inside because them seats felt great and the popcorn was very good. Just confused about having tickets taken or purchased in the same spot as buying food. Super bottle neck because of that. I should probably talk about what we watched. It was A Quiet Place Day One. I have not seen the first movie but watched so many reaction videos that I feel like I have. I did see the second film and liked it though I had questions that after seeing this one will never be answered. I will try to explain why I feel this way later.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Review: Inside Out

Inside Out 9/10

I always say this, but it takes a lot for me to get into the new animated films that come out. Either they have a weak ass story or are just not made for me. This movie may not be made for my old ass but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have heard about this for a long time but never sat down and watched it until this past weekend with L. There were some scenes that made me laugh hard as hell.