Thursday, July 11, 2013

Theater Whore: Pacific Rim

Giant robots punching monsters in the face! Tonight I got to see Pacific Rim two days before the premiere and I fucking loved this movie. After Kiyoshi (click here to check out and purchase his short story its very good) tagged me in a post with the trailer I damn near lost my mind. No, I actually did lose my mind. 

I have always wanted to see this movie without even knowing it. I never thought that while I was alive that I’d get a cool giant robot movie. Don’t even mention Transformers. I swear I will scissor kick the shit out of anyone that thinks this is even close to that crap. Guillermo Del Toro who has made almost nothing but incredible films has managed to create something that is not just amazing to look at, but has a real story, great acting, and real laughs in it. 

One of the best things about this movie is the fact that the robots seem to have real weight to them. When they moved it appeared as if they were real giant man made creations and not big computer generated images on the screen that looked real. When the pilots were hit it seemed painful. 

The movie stars Charlie Hunnam who is like a better acting version of Chris Hemsworth and was great in 3, 2, 1 Frankie Go Boom as one of the pilots of the Jaeger, Gypsy Danger, along with his brother. After a tragedy he retires and works in construction. The way the robots work is you and another pilot hook up to these robots and synch together. I won’t ruin why there needs to be two pilots but there really needs to be. Its not pretty when there aren’t. 

Idris Elba aka The Man That Can Take Your Wife Through The Screen is so badass without even throwing a punch. When he looks someone in the face and starts giving them what for I leaned back in my chair like he was talking down to me. He just exudes power. He is this close to replacing Ryan Gosling as my mancrush. 

I wish I could quit you.

Also in this is Ron Perlman who is awesome. Clifton Collins Jr. who I had no idea was in this is good. Even the people I didn’t know like actress Rinko Kikuchi was good. Oh, god. There is a scene featuring a younger version of her that will damn near tear you apart. Not me because my heart is darker than Flavor Flav playing hide and seek. I know it sounds weird to say that in a movie that on the surface looks to be about giant robots fighting giant monsters, but that is the magic of Del Toro. He can take movies like Hellboy and make you care about a demon that was created to destroy the planet. 


I have to thank East for taking me to see this. I was going to go Friday when it premiered but I’ll be damned if I am gonna skip on seeing a movie like this for free. She liked the movie and I am sure we both made the same sound when Idris came on the screen. Don’t judge me! 

Stop looking at me like that, Mr. Elba!

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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