Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Best Movies Of The Year 2019

This year of movies ended up turning out way better than I expected. The last few years I have been seeing less and less of them and not because tickets cost too damn much but because there is so much better shit coming out on subscription services and good movies are coming out few and far between. This is my list of the Best Movies Of The Year 2019. Or BMOTY. You can click here and see what they were for previous years if you feel like it. There for sure will be movies you see on here that you absolutely hated, had no desire to see, or just thought was okay. I gathered movies that I rated an 8 or higher. There were none past 10 this year. Yeah. That's a thing I do sometimes. Its obnoxious. I will also be doing a Worst Movies Of The Year in a day or so. Also, each title has a link to the original blog post.

"I want more people to see this. Rose was an incredible villain. I could not have imagined a woman in yoga pants with a top hat being as scary as she was. Abra was a cool ass hero. I loved watching her get stronger as the movie progressed but agreed with Rose that the girl was like her. Dan was portrayed amazingly. I like that more movies are starting to show how not fun alcoholism is. The shit used to look fun in movies. Now it looks like a sickness. I liked the effects in this too. The camera work combined with the special abilities made a great combination."

After seeing this movie I read so many reviews of people shitting on this and I am still not sure why. I liked the movie, book, and TV series of The Shining fine but was not attached to them the way some folks are. This movie had aspects of all three and still managed to give me an interesting story and characters. I really loved the characters in this movie far more than I expected to. The fact that a child was the centerpiece and not garbage is a plus in my books. I tend to hate kids in movies and shows so when I don't its damn near magic. This movie had legit spooky moments and cool ass visuals in it. I am sure some people didn't see this because of a review they read or saw. Just watch it when you can and make your own decisions. There are a lot of movies I didn't see years ago because of reviews and they turned out to be great. Like John Wick. I made fun of it and now my ass is excited about a fourth one in two years.

"I am not gonna spoil anything in this review because I would love for people to just go see this and take it in without a lot of knowledge. I will say that the story is great, the look is amazing. Dirty things look disgusting and clean things look brand damn new. Everyone was perfectly cast. I can not imagine someone seeing this and going It was okay...” I probably wouldn't see a movie with someone again that didn't love this actually."

One of the best movies not just of this year but that I have ever seen. I have seen a lot of movies in my life and I hope every year that one or maybe two will be something that makes me happy that movies exist and for me this was one of them. This movie hits on so many levels. There are layers to this shit. Even if you give a basic premise of a poor family infiltrate a rich one that doesn't cover the amount of intrigue I had during this. This movie also had a certain vibe to it that kept me interested the whole time. Not every movie can do that. One of those vibes where you're not checking your watch, going to the bathroom, or worrying about anything else you have to do. Invested. That's the word I was looking for. I was invested in all these crazy ass people in this movie.

"There has been so much controversy about this movie and how it may inspire violence. That seems more like a society problem than a movie making problem to me. If you have built it so that if someone with a mental issue has access to get a weapon and use it on others that does not mean you ban every movie where violence can occur."

This movie wasn't about nothing that everyone was worried about! They were keeping single people from seeing this in some theaters. That shit is a joke especially after seeing this movie. This was about a guy that got his ass stomped by life and lost his shit and became a symbol for a lot of people that felt like they had no way to rise above. If anything it should have inspired people to be more mindful and caring of those with mental issues and being kind to that one guy at work. You know the one. They are talking about making a sequel to this but I would be totally fine if they just left this as is. This was another movie that looked beautiful. Loved the acting and music. Joaquin Phoenix needs to be given an award for this seeing as how he was great and was in 98% of this movie.

"I love movies. I go to movies to be entertained. I do not want the real world intruding. If someone falls two stories and gets up and runs away I am fine. If someone can stop time I am fine. If Bruce Lee is portrayed as the most cocky, confident man ever I am all for it."

I left the theater after seeing this and later on doing so much research on the characters that were portrayed in this movie. I had heard of the Manson murders and knew that it was gonna happen in this movie but they way they switched shit up was really cool. I liked this so damn much. I was into it more than I realized. During one scene they are filming a movie and I got into that movie that I forgot I was watching a whole other movie. I am also glad that the fake version of this movie I read about online turned out to be fake. It was even more outlandish than the flamethrower acid fueled dog attack version that was the real ending.

"If you are on the fence for whatever reason about seeing this I would strongly suggest you just go see it. This movie has more humor than I expected. More genuine feeling moments. Great action. The writing and the ability to tie together films form over ten years ago into this seamlessly is baffling. Peter is such a likable character that I want to see succeed. I would love to watch ten movies with this character. The fact that the first movie has the Vulture as a villain that turned out to be one of Marvel's best villains to Mysterio makes me so happy."

I fucking love this Spider-Man. He is young. He is interesting. He is funny. When he is in trouble I am concerned for his safety. The villain in this was surprisingly well done as well as the twists and turns that happened. This may also have the two best bonus scenes in Marvel movies. I am glad no one was filming me watching this movie because they would have seen me smiling too damn hard or sitting there with my mouth wide open staring at all the insanity happening on the screen. And I have to mention the fact that they could make an entire theater crack up laughing at half the universe disappearing and returning and those that did not come back funny. Not chuckle. The theater laughed multiple times.

"I liked that Amy was not struggling with being gay. Everyone that did not like her or Molly had it based off their personalities and not with who they were. This movie looked great too. Visually this was a really good looking movie. The acting was good and all the friendships were believable. Even the over the top characters seemed realistic. Friends felt like real friends which is something that does not always come across well in films."

I did not want to see this but after a strong recommendation I checked this out and am so glad I did because as much as I love laughing I don't enjoy many comedies. This movie had me cracking up laughing hard. I liked the characters. I liked the story. I liked that I was wrong trying to figure out where the story was going. For me it is crazy seeing what teens have access to in movies and in the real world these days. Back when I was growing up if a kid smoked a cigarette he was cool and badass. In teen movies these days if you aren't partying hard, having sex, and being on everything but roller skates you are just a regular ass teenager. I'm ranting. See this movie. The trailer was terrible and whoever did it needs to be spoken to.

"They leave and meet with this asshole who wants one of Sofia's dogs. She says no and the dog is shot. The theater gasped. The dog is wearing a bulletproof vest with a gun hidden underneath. John looks at her like “Don't...” and she starts blasting away. There is a lot of shooting, faces being blown off, and dogs eating folks dicks. So much dick biting!"

I fucking loved this movie! Fight me if you don't think that each one of these has upped the amount of fighting in ways that I never would have imagined. There are sword/gun fights on motorcycles. Using horses as weapons. Dogs biting dicks. I love the world of John Wick so much because it is years old and in this movie we got to see just how deep the shit is. Having his dog killed was the worst thing to have happened to him and the hundreds of people he has killed in the few days period these movies take place in. Seriously. It was counted. He has killed 299 people. The fourth movie is likely gonna be just as insane and he needs to die. I wanted to see a movie about the hotel but that garbage ass film Hotel Artemis have me a glimpse into that and I'm good.

"I have already spoiled the fuck out of this but there is so much more because this movie is three hours long and there is no way I can convey all the story, emotion, action, humor, and awesomeness of this movie. I fucking loved this. A lot. They tied together years of stories, characters, and everything in this. There were so many scenes that tried to awaken my inner bitch and I shoved it down in the hole in my soul."

One day I am going to have a full day marathon of watching all of these films together and going insane. This movie was exactly what I needed to wrap up over twenty films in this series history. I felt so many human emotions while watching this movie and felt so good after it was over. I never imagined that I would have been getting hype over any of these characters. Seriously, growing up my jam was Batman, Ghost Rider, The Maxx, and Shade the Changing Man. Before these films Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, and Winter Soldier were not characters I gave a shit about. And they aren't done. Is there a superhero bubble? I say no as long as good movies continue to be made like this where you give a damn about the characters.

"This was a cool and fun ass movie. While the dialogue was not the best I have ever heard it felt fine for this. And again...I actually loved the kids in this. This movie had the perfect amount of humor in it and managed to have some really emotional scenes in it. It was a very difficult balancing act and they did a good job with this."

This movie had no right to actually be as good as it is. DC had really been shitting the bed for years with their movies somehow making Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman not be all that good. They took this character that has been around for decades that many people don't know and took a comedian in a muscle suit and turned it into a really good film. This was another case of kids actually being entertaining and not annoying. Like a whole grip of 'em too! It was shocking. I would love to see more of these kids but they're gonna be way older by the time another movie comes out.

"My body was not ready for this. From the trailers I did not try to figure out what this could all mean. I could get an explanation that I did not like and be bummed or I could get one that was so fucking nuts that I could roll with it. I rolled with this one."

This movie was so damned weird and awesome that people were actually mad that the version of it they wrote in their heads didn't happen. Even though the trailer shows you that there is another version of this family it does not spoil it. It gets you ready. Kind of. You can't actually be ready for the rabbit hole that this movie tosses you down. I did not ask a lot of questions after seeing this because it is science fiction and I love when sci-fi just gives you some weird shit to run with. And this does. I enjoyed reading about things I missed or that flew right over my stupid head. I would love a double feature of this and Get Out.

"This movie is about so much. Its about friendship. Family. Lies. Tales. Gentrification. History. And from the start I was like “This movie looks beautiful!” Over the last few years I have heard more and more talk about lighting Black people in cinema properly and the co-writer/director Joe Talbot did an incredible job. The music was so good! The acting in this felt real like the friendship between Jimmie and Mont."

I didn't want to spoil too much of this when writing the review recently and I feel the same way now. This movie feels like watching a stage play that isn't on stage. It is a hyper-real version of reality and I can not stop talking about how beautiful this movie looks when I talk about it to folks. I had heard of this movie before seeing it but didn't know anything about it.

"The parents tell Brandon about his uncle being dead and he reacts like they told him that they bought Sprite instead of 7Up. The father is like “The fuck is your problem?!” He makes a move on Brandon and gets launched across the kitchen."

So many people hated this movie! I got hype when I saw the trailer and stayed hype during the movie. It is a thin premise: what if Superman was a psycho? But this is a straight up horror movie that I was not expecting. I thought he would do strong shit and scare people but just the scene with the waitress is creepier than most horror movies attempt to be by blasting music in your ears. This movie could have a series I would watch showing the other characters mentioned at the end. I don't think they could do a sequel because there has been no hero or anything introduced that could stop this kid. That's another thing. He is a kid and this damn powerful! Loved this movie.

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