Sunday, December 23, 2012

Best Movies Of 2012 According To Dante

I have watched 46 films this year not including things I watched on DVD that I missed in theaters which is by far the most I’ve ever seen especially when I remember that at the end of 2011 I was looking forward to only three movies coming out (click here to see what I loved last year). This was a year of really surprisingly good films across the board ranging from really big budget films to very small ones to films with massive budgets that were just terrible nonsense.

This list isn’t going to be in any particular order. Just the ones I felt were the best and the worst to me. I know that my taste in films is…different. Some of you have seen some of these and will disagree with me in which case you can write your list on your blog or write to me and I will raise my left eyebrow and take a deep breath as I figure out a polite way to let you know that your opinion doesn’t count. I’m kidding. But totally not.

The Avengers 

One of the films I was super waiting for since I heard the damned thing was made. This movie was huge. Just…huge. This was the type of movie that fans of superheroes never thought would be made. Combining SHIELD, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Captain America seemed impossible but with the direction of Joss Whedon it happened and I couldn’t have been happier. That is unless they had added more scenes with Scarlett Johansson in them jeans. I saw this three times in theaters and was happy every single time.

The Skin I Live In 

This is one that I had seen pictures of online and didn’t think looked interesting at all. One day I decided “Fuck it” like I do with most things in my life and checked it out. Holy shit this movie was good! The tone, the characters, and the just messed up nature of it makes it a must see. I hate that more people haven’t seen it because this had the best ending I had seen in years. Its also one of those films that can be ruined with one sentence so make sure no one spoils it for you.

Rise Of The Guardians

This one caught me completely off guard. It hit me on emotional levels that I’ve been trying to get rid of for over 30 damned years. I’m not a huge fan of CGI films and when one can not only be entertaining but bring me close to crying like a little bitch there’s something magical about it. Trust me, you will feel shitty for not believing in Santa Claus anymore.

The Dark Knight Rises 

Is it hard to understand Batman? Yes. Is it even harder to understand Bane? Did any of that matter to me? Shit, no! The fact that Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale managed to create three Batman films that made the character not a joke about nipple costumes and campy nonsense is enough to award these two a medal. This franchise single handedly saves DC Comics ass.


A film I wasn’t excited about and thankfully saw before all the crazy hype surrounding it got out. Checked it out with a friend and damn near broke her leg squeezing it at the super intense moments. His film made me realize that Ben Affleck was not only a good actor but an amazing director. This film could’ve been made so many different ways but he managed to make it funny, tense, exciting, and thrilling all at the same time. A great cast and great music. I’ve seen this one twice and was still tense as hell at the end.


It sucks so hard that not many people saw this one. The trailer did not look all that interesting but when I was watching this I immediately said “This is now my favorite superhero movie after The Dark Knight. Sorry Unbreakable.” Check this out because the writer Max Landis is going to be one of those writers that nerds like me brag about knowing before he got even bigger.

Beasts Of The Southern Wild

All I knew about this film was that it looked dirty and there was a little girl with crazy ass hair. I saw this with two different people and each time they cried during it. This movie is hard to explain to people because you sound like a lunatic when trying. Its like “New Orleans, flooding, rough father, strange little girl…and, uh, pigs. Giant pigs.” If you haven’t seen this you are missing one of the best films in the last few years.

21 Jumpstreet 

I shit on this movie so hard before it even came out. I liked the old show just fine and seeing that it starred a thinner Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum just made me want to shove a ass covered swab in my ear. There was absolutely no way this film could be good. Well, I’ll be damned if this wasn’t the funniest movie this year next to Taken 2! If you have reservations about watching this stop and rent it. You will laugh your ass off.

Magic Mike 

Again, Channing Tatum made me see that he isn’t a waste of space. He’s just been miscast in movies for a while. Lots of dudes didn’t want to see this movie because they thought it was gay or they didn’t want to look gay which should make a lot of girlfriends nervous because guys that homophobic are closeted gay or did some shit in college that they pray never comes to light. This movie had more heart and laughter than you would’ve ever expected.

Robot & Frank 

Checked this one out and my god this was an awesome film. When I say to people “Its about an old man that has a helper robot he hates” it seems like I’m selling this terribly short. Its about far more than that and had people in the theater crying. I loved that it took place in the future but it was like now but with slightly better technology. The cast was perfect and you’ll even love the robot. See. This. Movie.

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