Friday, August 16, 2013

"Bad Mamma Jamma": Lena Headey

Just like the problem I have had coming up with a Bad Ass Mofo I have been having the same problems coming up with a new Bad Mamma Jamma. I think I have close to 40 BAM's and less than 20 BMJ's. There are a set list of things that will make someone a BMJ in my eyes and though it took a while for me to realize it, Lena Headey is definitely one!

Born in Hamilton, Bermuda and raised in England Headey is one of those actresses that don't always have to play off her looks to do her job well. She's someone I had seen many times and didn't know she was the same damned person. She was in The Brother's Grimm (which was how Hansel & Gretel should've been) and 300. Still, I didn't know this was the same person.

She appeared in St. Trinian's which I have seen and still cant remember who she was in it. She was on the much loved but never seen by me Sarah Connor Chronicles which I've never seen an episode of and of course Game Of Thrones where she plays a brother banging, asshole son having queen. She is one of the best characters on the show based on the crazy shit she does.

Recently she has been in The Purge which was a movie that could've been awesome but turned out to be a hot mess. She was also the main villain in Dredd. She and Karl Urban were awesome with who they were but the rest of the movies was balls. I would totally watch a movie based off of her being evil as fuck. If I saw her on the street I wouldn't recognize her since she dresses down and has tattoos on her arm and back. I'm waiting for her to get another role where she can show how fucking cool she is.

Click here for previous Bad Mamma Jamma.

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