Saturday, May 30, 2015

Batman V. Superman XXX Looks Better Than Real Thing

For a while now porn films have somehow managed to make costumes in their movies look better than versions that costs over a hundred times more to produce. Last year Axel Braun put out the Captain America XXX where the most of the characters were truer to comic book form than any Marvel movie ever did. This time Batman v. Superman is targeted and they manage to do the same again.

I don't even care if the acting in this is bad. They look great. With the Catwoman alone they have won. I get pissed when they change the way a character looks from comics. If you're gonna do it make it look better. The chick playing Maxima looks awesome. I like that they gave Supergirl a new look. If you've seen images for the new series (click here for that) its the same ass costume you've always seen but with stockings.

And don't even get me started on how bad Harley Quinn in the new film looks. Its like they aren't even trying. The film version looks more like a porn parody than the porn parody. She looks like a girl that got lost on her way home from a rave...which I've seen in real life.

Another thing I like is that Lex Luthor looks like an adult. Its not Jesse Eisenberg. I don't even know who this guy is but if that same poster came out with this dude as Luthor I would've been like “Who is this guy? He looks awesome.”

I'm already passing on the new Batman v. Superman movie and the Suicide Squad. I'll eventually check this movie out because chances are you're gonna see comic book characters banging. Its a porno! Stop being such a prude.

1 comment:

  1. I was looking for some info about movies, because after "stars wars I" horrible results i became very cautios and tend not to go cinemas and cancelled my cable acount.

    Movie producers are more and more prone to pervert (destroy??)their movies and create characters and plots and dialogs that are just stupid, making the old young, the black white, the good bad... and so on.

    However as i can read in your site porn producers are more respectful to characters and plots, and costume... all i can say is god bess you danterants, and god bless porno.
