Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Review: Charlie's Angels (2019)

Charlie's Angels 1/10

This was supposed to be a review but I ended up rambling. There were a lot of shit reboots last year. Terminator Dark Fate, Hellboy, Men In Black International all stank. This movie, Charlie's Angels, was ass. Why did I watch this? I was ironing. I didn't want to watch something I thought would be good so I put this on. If anything it would be cheesy and funny and I could at least be entertained by that. This movie was not cheesy nor funny. I have seen maybe two episodes of the original series. I saw all of the early 2000's movies and they were funny. There was a series I forgot existed until I saw that it did and lasted about four episodes before getting canceled. Now there is this. No one asked for this.

One of the Angels. “I think women can do anything.”

Dumb dude. “Wow. Just because they can doesn't mean they should, right?”

Those are the very first lines of the movie. I stopped ironing for a moment and sighed. Like a full back arching sigh. They might as well just called this “Charlie's Angels: Not For Dante.” If you ever meet someone, no matter where the hell you are be it work, school, the street, a bus, a wedding, or a hospital, just stop talking to them. This conversation isn't gonna get better. You will just have a story of meeting an asshole to talk to your friends about who wonder how you manage to end up in these conversations weekly to post about online. In this movie every guy is either trying to bone the ladies or kill them. The guys are flat as hell. They are bad fighters, talk stupid, and it is shocking that they have stayed alive long enough to do any of the evil shit they do. So when one of the Angels eventually beats them at anything its like “Cool. Not like it should have been that hard in the first place.” There are three guys that are not dirtbags. One dies, another takes care of their health, and another wants to bone down with an Angel.

I'll get to the plot soon.

Elizabeth Banks directed, wrote, produced, and was a main character in this movie. That is a lot and too much. She also said a lot of goofy shit that sounds right if you're not actually listening. In an interview she said “If this movie doesn't make money it reinforces a stereotype in Hollywood that men don't go see women do action movies.” Let's forget that Captain Marvel made over a billion and that movie was trash or that Wonder Woman made over $800 million and it was good because it wasn't Batman V Superman. But don't worry. She had a response to that defense as well.

They'll go and see a comic book movie with Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel because that's a male genre. So even though those are movies about women, they put them in the context of feeding the larger comic book world, so it's all about, yes, you're watching a Wonder Woman movie but we're setting up three other characters or we're setting up Justice League.” You hear that girls? Stop reading comics, writing comics, drawing comics, doing cosplay, or having fun because you're participating in a male genre. When people say shit like that it just shows their age. No way someone under 45 is still saying shit like that unless they are just talking out of their ass and has probably never read a comic book unless auditioning for a role. (checks her resume) Jesus. She was in Power Rangers.

Full disclosure: I'm not a woman. Don't identify as one either except when people refuse to acknowledge me as the new queen of R&B. But I am part of a group seen as less. I'm Black (surprise!) and I would not say a movie did bad because it was made by Black people or starred mostly Black people. I would say its bad if it was bad though. But if someone not Black said it was bad they would be called racist. When you say things like that you end up with people either not discussing a thing because they don't wanna come across as racist or not seeing it because it is not made for them. So by Banks saying that men don't go to see women in action movies or that comics is a male genre she is trying to cover all her bases because she knew this movie was ass. I have done this once before but here are a bunch of bad ass women throughout my life from movies and TV and not once did I ever think to not watch because of their gender or think they couldn't do something because of their gender.

That was just off the top of my head! Me and millions of guys grew up watching these movies and shows and if a woman happened to be hot, okay. If not whatever. I never think a woman has to be attractive to be viable in order to do a job properly. I was having a conversation recently with CK about how people get mad at how someone is represented in media and champion for them but don't actually support it. They just want to know it is there. It is this weird new disingenuous (favorite word right now) way of virtue signaling that does long term damage but satisfies instantly. It's soda. Some of the best series of the last couple years have been led by powerful (and terrifying) women. Look at Ozark. Look at Watchmen. Nadja on What We Do In The Shadows is the funniest one on the show. The series Legion. There are things with what you want. It just turns out that you don't watch it. Now on to the movie.

One of the Angels, Sabina, takes down this guy who is involved with bad shit by flirting with him. More Angels show up and kick ass and they leave. The first Bosley, John Bosley, is retired and gets a watch. He discovers that someone gave him a tracking device. They make it seem as if Rebekah, another Bosley, is evil. This movie doesn't do anything to make her seem innocent. There are situations where she cant be reached where if they killed her and then discovered she was not guilty you could say “Well, she acted super fucking shady so...”

This woman Elena helped make this device that could give the world free clean energy but also cause seizures wants it stopped and worked on more. Of course her boss is like “Nah...” The Angels grab her during an assassination attempt and another Bosley dies. There are a lot of Bosley's. They are the Angels handlers. Jane, another Angel, rescues Elena and she is brought onto the team. She is immediately put into dangerous situations but since she studied krav maga she is fine. They have closets full of devices and costumes. Sitting here thinking about it I can't recall all that many of them being used.

How would I describe the Angels? Sabina talks like that embarrassing friend that watched too many rap videos. She can fight. Jane can fight too. And she is smart. She also happens to be a terrible shot and gets her ass kicked a lot which is weird considering her background that is explained. Elena is also smart and can fight because krav maga classes. She is also exposition. There is no actual difference between these characters. They just look different from one another. There are parts that are supposed to be funny but aren't. Death is treated like “Oops.” There are a lot of maybe he will live and maybe he won't lines. I can't see these characters being friends but there is a point where they survive an explosion with a few scratches and one cries over the other like they have been friends since childhood. They couldn't even remember each others names two days ago!

This also has the costume changes as disguises where it only matters once because they all dress like another employee and damn near get her innocent ass murdered. Women do not have to dress the way they do in these movies for guys to harass them and for them to get closer to these guys. At the start one of them says guys wait seven seconds longer to consider a woman a threat so they use their sexiness against the guys. With the way these guys act in this all the woman would have to do is say hello. Shit, one of them wanders into a lab and the guy helps her blow shit up. The fights are not cool looking. The camera cuts constantly to hide it. They are supposed to be good fighters but only easily win fights against guys not paying attention of when the guys become suddenly inept.

I gave this a 1 instead of a 0 because they tried. This movie tried. There is a whole montage of women and girls doing things with inspirational rap over it that made me turn the volume down. I am fully aware that this was not made for me. As a fan of the earlier films and a fan of action, ladies, and comedy this was not for me. I don't want to see something on screen just to say it is there and being represented. This could have been a good movie. If everything was different it could have been good. If they had two strong young actresses and one new one, an action director...just everything. And this was almost two hours long. It sucks because if someone capable of doing this movie came along there would be hesitation in doing so because of this. I'm done rambling. Don't watch this. I wouldn't even suggest leaving it on and doing other things because the music will make you cringe. If this was for you that is awesome because it is a lot of not me in this.

Kristen Stewart as Sabina Wilson
Naomi Scott as Elena Houghlin
Ella Balinska as Jane Kano
Elizabeth Banks as Rebekah “Bosley”
Patrick Stewart as John Bosley
Djimon Hounsou as Edgar “Bosley” Dessange
Sam Claflin as Alexander Brok
Jonathan Tucker as Hodak

Click here for previous The Review.

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