Luscious Jackson Naked Eye, Stroke 9 Little Black Back Pack, Remy Zero
Prophecy, Hum Stars, Shakespeare's Sister Stay, Radiohead Talk Show
Host, Tool Stinkfist, Dinosaur Jr. Feel The Pain, Poe Angry Johnny,
Stone Temple Pilots Creep, Weezer Only In Dreams, The Smashing
Pumpkins Drown, Foo Fighters This Is A Call, PJ Harvey Down By The
Water, Folk Implosion Natural One, The Lemonheads Mrs. Robinson, Bad
Religion 21st Century Digital Boy, White Zombie Super Charger Heaven,
Butthole Surfers Pepper, The Living End Prisoner Of Society, The
Primitives Crash, Big Audio Dynamite Rush, Faith No More Epic, Bush
Swallowed, Elastica Stutter, Green Day Brain Stew/Jaded, and
Soundgarden The Day I Tried To Live. Click here for this and previous
Ross Radio Shows.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Ross Radio Show 108
I felt like jamming and being funky at the same time. I play some Midnight Star Electricity, Zapp & Roger Heartbreaker, Loose Ends Slow Down, The System Don’t Disturb This Groove, George Benson Turn Your Love Around, Aurra Send Your Love, Cecil Parker What It Is, Gemini Its Friday Night, Gap Band Humpin’, Viola Willis Sweetback, Stevie Wonder Living For The City, and Teena Marie Behind The Groove. Click here to download this episode and here for past Ross Radio Shows.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Being Human Jumped The Shark
I hate change. I like things when they are good and don’t change. Hmm. Those sentences alone could explain my failure in relationships. But this isn’t about that. This is about a show I have fallen in love with jumping the shark. Granted, I got to watch three seasons of the show Being Human and they were three amazing seasons. So the horror I felt while watching the new fourth season just crushed me.
Anyone that has spoken to me in the last two weeks have heard me rant and rave about this show. The question “What are you doing?” was usually “Watching Being Human.” I was, and still am, starving for new shows to watch and was past delighted to find this one. It airs on BBC and I live in America and don’t have cable so I didn’t even know it existed but I do have the internet so pfffft. Allow me to give you a quick recap of the show. And if you plan on watching this show you should stop reading right now.
Theater Whore: Goon
I am not a fan of hockey. I have never been able to sit through an entire game and the most experience I have with it is my old ass NHL ‘94 game for my Sega Genesis. I would play the hell out of that game using Marty McSorley because if anyone bumped into him he would throw his gloves off and beat ass. This movie, Goon, felt like that.
It stars Seann William Scott as Doug “The Thug” Glatt. He’s a bouncer at a bar who is good at kicking ass. You’re not quite sure what is wrong with him. His parents mention an injury when he was younger that caused some brain damage. He’s seriously one of the nicest people I’ve seen in a movie. Yeah, he beats the shit out of people but he’s so nice to others!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Gossip & Shit February 22nd 2012
Former Dr. Conrad Murray is now saying that Michael Jackson’s stress over finances made him give himself an overdose. Well, that could be true. Its also true that he still gave a patient way too many goddamn drugs.
Jennifer Aniston got a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame because…I guess they had extra space or something. It sure as hell isn't for her acting.
Deion Sanders and his soon to be ex wife or whatever the hell she is drama keeps going. She’s suing him for $200 million dollars. What did he do? Blow up her moon or something?! Jesus, nothing is worth that much money. Not even human life. Seriously. Its $3,000 to $4,000 to make a human. Science, bitches.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Ross Radio Show 107
Just some new and old hip hop and rap. Missy Elliot Lose Control, Q-Tip Breathe & Stop, LL Cool J Rock The Bells, Azealia Banks 212, Ludacris Southern Hospitality, Blackalicious Its Going Down, The Roots Adrenaline, OutKast Two Dope Boyz, Beastie Boys Shake Your Rump, and Juice Crew The Symphony. Click here to download this episode and here for past Ross Radio Shows.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Theater Whore: Ghost Rider Spirit Of Vengeance
I don’t know how they did it, but Marvel managed to make Ghost Rider lovable. I feel the need to defend the fact that I actually sat through this movie. Yes, I know it stars Nic Cage who has been steadily proving that he can get work even though he is now a terrible actor. But the whole crazy thing he does? Its getting really old and messing up movies that have the potential to be good.
I liked the first Ghost Rider movie…from what I remember. I don’t recall hating it. But this one, Ghost Rider Spirit Of Vengeance, is just garbage. What was I expecting? I thought I was gonna see Ghost Rider setting shit on fire and smacking bitches with his chains. Story? Not sure. I’d honestly like to see him just riding around the city catching criminals and giving them his Penance Stare.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
DVDiculous: Justice League Doom
Once again DC knocks it out the damned park with their animated films! I saw the trailer for Justice League: Doom last year and was so damned excited. It wasn’t the Legion Of Doom from when I was little that was all super cheesy. These guys (and gals) were like “We are gonna wreck shit and wreck it well!” And, by god, they so did. The wrecked everyone so damned hard. I should probably describe the story.
Batman finds the Royal Flush Gang robbing a vault and using technology that is way out of their league. Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and Flash all show up and whip their asses. Oh, and Cyborg is there because Batman’s all like “This kid has potential.” Speaking of Batman, he is all banged up and refuses help from the League and heads home.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Gossip & Shit February 17th 2012
Dionne Warwick! Kevin Costner! Bobby Brown…maybe! Hey everyone, its Whitney Houston’s funer--huh? “Home Going“? What the hell is that? That’s something Black people do? I’m a Blacker and have never heard of this. Oh, by the way Whitney died last week. Oh, and the penis from that Kim Kardashian porno called Ray J was there too.
And in case you didn’t know the room that she died in is booked for the foreseeable future. So if you planned on having a nice evening sleeping in the same room she died in make other plans.
Gabriel Aubry, the ex and baby daddy of Halle Berry, will not be criminally charged for shoving the nanny while she held their child. Oh, that justice system is so wacky!
Insert Coin: Friday The 13th
“Players control one of six camp counselors (each with varying levels of speed and jumping ability) in a side-scrolling perspective. The counselors start with an arcing rock attack. The goal is to find and defeat Jason three times. Along the paths, players will find cabins, a lake, caves and wooded areas with all but the cabins having enemies such as zombies, crows, and wolves attacking the player.”
This was one of those games that failed so hard at everything it tried. Friday The 13th for Nintendo wasn’t scary, fun, or playable. My parents managed to get me some of the most obscure games when I was little. It wasn’t like I even asked for this game. I just got it. And then I played and thought “I don’t get this…”
"Bad Ass Mofo": Ryan Gosling
“The writing was on the wall when I saw 'Rocky' for the first time. I went and picked a fight right afterwards and got my ass kicked. The movies took me into their dream.” Ryan Gosling
I have a total man crush on Ryan Gosling who is this weeks Bad Ass Mofo. There are a few men on this planet that when I see them its like “I would probably let him put it on my shoulder if I were in jail…meaning my kitchen.” This dude is just fucking amazing in everything he does. I watched The Notebook because of him. The Notebook!!!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Ross Radio Show 106
I love DeBarge! They have been in the news lately for random reasons and it reminded me of how many songs of theirs I liked growing up. I play I Like It, All This Love, El Debarge’s Who’s Johnny, Time Will Reveal, The Heart Is Not So Smart, Rhythm Of The Night, Dance The Night Away, You Wear It Well, and Love Me In A Special Way. Click here to download this episode and here for past episodes.
Monday, February 13, 2012
TV Slut: Being Human & An Idiot Abroad
“Oh, my god! There is nothing on TV!” This has been a battle cry of mine for quite a few years now. There was a time when I had things to watch from 4pm until I eventually passed out during the replay of the 10 o’clock news. And don’t get me started on how much wrestling I was once able to watch. I am happy to say that I now have a few more new shows to watch!
While browsing the internet and bitching within my heart randomly I decided to check out some shows overseas. I ended up finding two new (to me!) shows. The first was An Idiot Abroad. It stars associate of Ricky Gervais and all around weirdo Karl Pilkington. This show is fucking hilarious! Its pretty much about a guy that hates everything different and traveling. So of course they send him all around the world to experience different cultures in the hopes that it will change his view.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Characters With Threatability
In any great film there is a scene that makes you go “Whoa.” Sometimes its an explosion, sometimes its fight. And other times its just a speech. I have made a list of some of the best threats in film made by very bad men. Not bad meaning bad but bad meaning good.
Denzel Washington as Alonzo Harris Training Day
“Aww, you motherfuckers. Okay. Alright. I'm putting cases on all you bitches. Huh. You think you can do this shit...Jake. You think you can do this to me? You motherfuckers will be playing basketball in Pelican Bay when I get finished with you. SHU program, nigga. 23 hour lockdown. I'm the man up in this piece. You'll never see the light of...who the fuck do you think you're fucking with? I'm the police, I run shit around here. You just live here. Yeah, that's right, you better walk away. Go on and walk away...'cause I'm gonna' burn this motherfucker down. King Kong ain't got shit on me. That's right, that's right. Shit, I don't, fuck. I'm winning anyway, I'm winning...I'm winning any motherfucking way. I can't lose. Yeah, you can shoot me, but you can't kill me.”
Denzel Washington as Alonzo Harris Training Day
“Aww, you motherfuckers. Okay. Alright. I'm putting cases on all you bitches. Huh. You think you can do this shit...Jake. You think you can do this to me? You motherfuckers will be playing basketball in Pelican Bay when I get finished with you. SHU program, nigga. 23 hour lockdown. I'm the man up in this piece. You'll never see the light of...who the fuck do you think you're fucking with? I'm the police, I run shit around here. You just live here. Yeah, that's right, you better walk away. Go on and walk away...'cause I'm gonna' burn this motherfucker down. King Kong ain't got shit on me. That's right, that's right. Shit, I don't, fuck. I'm winning anyway, I'm winning...I'm winning any motherfucking way. I can't lose. Yeah, you can shoot me, but you can't kill me.”
Friday, February 10, 2012
Dr. What?
My heterosexual lifemate Alex Hluch is obsessed with Dr. Who. Like, scary obsessed. He has a new series titled Dr. What that he needs funding for. You know what (get it?!)? Just click this link all up in here to go to the official site and donate a few bucks. You get cool shit for doing so.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Insert Coin: Operation Wolf
“The object of the game is to rescue the five hostages in the concentration camp. The game is divided into six stages: Communication Setup, Jungle, Village, Powder Magazine, Concentration Camp, and Airport. Completion of each stage advances the story. For example, upon completing the Jungle stage, an enemy leader is interrogated and the location of the enemy's concentration camp is found. This was one of the first shooter games to feature a storyline, and it had some similarities to real special operations missions.”
Back in the day there weren’t a lot of games that featured a real looking gun. Operation: Wolf was not that game. This one, when played at an arcade, had a real looking uzi. Oh, I wish I could play it now. Sure, it is available on the NES but who the hell really thinks that replacing a black realistic gun with a grey and orange/controller combo is cool?
Hip To Be Square
I this video I manage to somehow start talking about how it is now cool to be a nerd, Thundercats, and paying a lot of money to be poor.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Gossip & Shit February 8th 2012
Deion Sanders is still having trouble with his soon to be ex wife Pilar. Well, he isn’t but apparently his aunt and her got into a physical fight which involved hair being pulled. Sounds hot.
The father of Halle Berry’s child Gabriel Aubry is still in contact with his daughter despite allegedly assaulting the nanny and having a restraining order applied for against him.
Ray J and Whitney Houston are dating…again. Excuse me a moment. (vomits violently)
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Theater Whore: Man On A Ledge
Sometimes you see a movie and you go “Mommy? Why is that man and woman wrestling naked?” And other times a movie makes you go “Wow. That was shitacular!” Man On A Ledge is that movie. I mean, I know that I’m not supposed to expect great or even okay acting from Sam Worthington. But I expect a tiny bit of effort! Am I asking too much?!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Theater Whore: Chronicle
This movie kicked all kinds of ass. White ass. Blacker ass. Latino ass. Ass ass. I know, I know. This isn’t a thing where I have seen so many shit films in a row or disappointing ones (The Help, The Iron Lady, The Grey, The The) and finally saw something awesome and got overly excited. I assure you. Chronicle was a fantastic superhero film and as soon as this shit is on DVD I am buying it!
The film is shot from the perspective of one of the kids named Andrew. Hey! No! Stop that! I know that there have been a bunch of movies that are handheld or security cameras but this isn’t like that. I’ll explain more later. So Andrew is the kid in school that is made fun of. He has an abusive father. His mother is dying. He gets picked on. Its my life in high school except my mother isn’t dying…quickly.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
DVDiculous: Gamer
So with nothing to watch since movies have decided to suck ass and everything the Oscar’s thinks are good movies stink 95% of the time I said to myself “Fuck it. I’m gonna watch something bad on purpose.” And I did. I decided to check out Gamer. At the time Gerard Butler (300, Law Abiding Citizen) was all like “I will be in any movie you ask me to be in.” And, by god, he was.
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Because fuck the Oscar's. |
This is about a rich asshole named Ken Castle played by Michael C. Hall (Dexter) who creates these nanobots that get inserted into people’s heads allowing them to live in virtual worlds. One of the worlds is a game called Slayer where criminals fight for freedom. That’s where Butler comes in as Kable. So far he has won almost 30 straight games and is closer to freedom than anyone else ever has. Oh, and some asshole kid is controlling him.
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