Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Review: What We Do In The Shadows Episodes 5-10

What We Do In The Shadows 10/10

I fucking loved this series. I laughed so hard during this I made my stomach hurt. I ended up watching episodes 5-10 in one day so I'm not gonna try and recap it one by one like previous ones. Just gonna talk about how funny this show was and what I liked about it. Like I said before, I didn't want to watch this series because I thought that it was just gonna be a knockoff version of the movie which I really enjoyed. These last episodes managed to be random and hilarious but also forwarding the story. They brought back that dude Jeff aka Gregor that Nadja wants since they hook up in all his past lives. She thinks his current life is boring after going to the fair so she brings back the memories of all his past lives and now he is fucking insane. Straight up lost it laughing when Jeff had Nadja try popcorn and she projectile vomited. Of course because vampires can't be eating normal people food.

Nadja brings back Jenna who I had forgotten about after she started becoming a vampire. They kept her away long enough for me to be like “Oh, right! Her!” Jenna has been getting burned by the sun. Wanting to eat her roommate. Nadja explains that she is a vampire now and needs to learn what her gift is. At a party where no one notices her Nadja realizes that she can turn invisible. She ends up killing her first victim and telling Nadja that based off of the movie Blade that they can stay outside by wearing motorcycle helmets. No, it does not work. They start sizzling and fly inside. Oh, Jenna's bat form is terrifying. It looked like some baby/bat thing.

In one episode they have to take Baron out. He wants to see the city so they dress him up and in normal clothes he is somehow more scary. He is killing people in the streets and they are having to cover up for his nasty ass constantly. They want to kill him but are not sure how. Laszlo wants to stake him in the heart. He eats a pizza and flies around the sky vomiting everywhere. They end up at a club drinking “drug blood” and get high as hell. Back at home Baron is playing with sunlight and his squeaky toy. Falls off a balcony just missing wooden spikes. Guillermo comes home and opens the door killing him with sunlight. The group ends up charged with his murder and have to face a council of vampires that include the original cats of WWDITS, Tilda Swinton, Paul Reuben, Danny Trejo, Evan Rachel Wood, and even fucking Wesley Snipes who they hate because he is a daywalker!

Guillermo admits he killed Baron but no one believes him. During an escape he kills another vampire. In another episode he takes a DNA test for himself and the other vampires. Nadja and Laszlo have no desire to know but Nandor discovers he has 200,000 descendants and one lives nearby. She is an old lady and he decides to visit her by floating to her window and tapping with a teddy bear. She has a heart attack and dies. He guilts everyone to coming to her funeral and they stay until they start sizzling in church and their eyes bleed. Nandor starts to catch fire and Guillermo throws holy water on him to put it out. Oh, and Guillermo also discovers he is a descendant of the vampire hunter Van Helsing.

My goofy ass could sit here and keep talking about this show but I suggest you check it out for yourself. Even knowing what you know from me writing about it you'll still crack up laughing. I left a lot of stuff out not because I am afraid of spoiling it but because the funny shit never stops. I didn't even mention the vampire orgy! Everyone on this is perfectly cast. The music is good. The look of everything has its own style. The energy vampire made me laugh anytime he was on screen. The actor playing Guillermo was nailing that shit the last few episodes. The callbacks from previous episodes is done perfectly. I plan on starting the new season next week and looking forward to it.

Kayvan Novak as Nandor the Relentless
Matt Berry as Laszlo Cravensworth
Natasia Demetriou as Nadja
Harvey Guillén as Guillermo
Mark Proksch as Colin Robinson

Click here for previous The Review.

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