Dern dern! Dern-dern-dern! In case you didn’t know, that’s the sound of the James Bond theme when written. So I watched the latest Bond film Skyfall. I’ve enjoyed each of the previous Daniel Craig Bond films like Quantum Of Solace and Casino Royale. They were both really cool and entertaining except for that one scene where he gets his nuts slapped. That’s never cool. Skyfall wasn’t all that good. It starts off with a really cool chase in Turkey which is where Taken 2 took place and going based off that film you can do whatever the hell you want. Its like Vegas with more dirt and explosions.
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If you're not sure you should take the shot...don't. |
Bond and a field agent named Eve are chasing this dude that has a list of all the undercover agents working in terrorist groups. They fight on a train which leads to a crane being used to more fighting and Bond being shot by Eve on accident. He falls into the water and is presumed dead.
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No one is too hot to die! |
M is going to be replaced soon by The Red Dragon because M16 is allegedly not doing their job right. M16 ends up getting hacked and then blown up. Meanwhile Bond is alive and doing scorpion shots in a bar. He sees what happened on the news and returns. He finds the guy who he fought on the train and kills him. Then later in Shanghai he meets this hot broad working for the main bad guy. With Eve’s help he is saved from a hitman and komodo dragons.
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Fap. |
The hot chick, Severine, and Bond head to an island and are immediately taken prisoner. Bond gets to meet the head boss played by Javier Bardem. I like his villain character but he isn’t fully developed. Even knowing his motivation I still feel like he was in a couple other movies we just weren’t allowed to see. He makes Bond try to shoot a shot glass off the top of this chicks head. Bond misses because his aim is shit now. Javier just shoots her dead. Bond gets free by using magic speed.
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He was upset that Bond had not mentioned his new hairstyle. |
There’s more to this but I just don’t care enough to continue writing about it. People in the movie keep mentioning that Bond is old and cant do what he used to anymore but besides a couple of minor mistakes he does some bionic shit. You meet Q for the first time and I don’t like him. He’s like a cheap Andrew Garfield. There was a level of fun missing from this movie.
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Bond wondered why he kept humming the Spiderman theme. |
And my god some scenes are shot so dark! I went by grunts to judge who was winning some fights. And the whole A-Team-like scene where Bond, M, and Kincaid rig the house for battle went on for too damned long. This movie is almost two and a half hours long but felt like three and a half.
I don't believe I've come across anyone who's liked QoS before! I found it confusing and kind of boring, although there were some great individual scenes. I quite liked Skyfall but Casino Royale knocks it out of the water easily. I'd love to see more of Silva.
Kiyoshi said the same thing to me about Quantum Of Solace. Skyfall to me has an awesome start. This movie was a girl doing anal on the first date and only holding hands on the next ten. The beginning was just too damned good that the rest of the film couldnt hold up. I watched a commercial for it last night and 90% of it was the film before the credits started.
The director said he put nearly as much effort into those opening few minutes as the whole rest of the movie. I liked the way the rest of it weaved between different aspects of the story, though, like the way Eve came in and out, for example. I thought that was done very well and very naturally. Loved the silhouette punch-up although I wasn't sure which of them was Bond at times, loved Silva, loved Bond's expression when they blew up his Aston Martin, loved the evil Asian, the dragons in the pit, even Q grew on me. I liked how his hipster hairstyle emphasised his egghead. I thought every bit of it was fun. But it doesn't beat Casino Royale for me by a long shot. I must go back and watch some of the classics, I haven't seen the Connery ones in years.
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