Monday, April 4, 2022

The Review: The Adam Project

The Adam Project 5/10

Spoilers. This movie starts off in the future with this guy escaping from someone in a ship. He lands in 2022 and there is this smart mouth kid that turns out to be him. He needs to find his wife who also traveled back in time and then destroy his fathers time machine that is the cause of all of this. Ryan Reynold's can act. I know he can because I have seen it. Ever seen Buried? Holy shit. That movie was incredible. So when I watch some of the movies he has been doing for a while now it doesn't feel like I'm watching him act so much as people saying “We know what he does so just write a part and let him do what he does.” This movie was okay. Before it even reached the midway point I felt like this should have been a short mini series instead of cramming all of this into a 90 minute movie. Not sure if I would have watched it but I would have felt more...something for the characters. I might have liked it more or felt differently if I had a close relationship with my father and/or mother. The kid wears on me a bit because it feels like there are two Ryan's at once. The effects are good except for when the evil woman is de-aged somehow and it looked creepy as hell. This movie has a lot of good actors and actresses but they didn't need to be in this. I think if I were a kid I would have loved this movie, too. But I'm old. Leave me alone. It did have a great soundtrack. Again. I'm old.

Ryan Reynolds as Adam Reed

Walker Scobell as young Adam Reed

Mark Ruffalo as Louis Reed

Jennifer Garner as Ellie Reed

Catherine Keener as Maya Sorian

Zoe Saldaña as Laura Shane

Alex Mallari Jr. as Christos

Click here for previous The Review.

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