I can say this is my favorite Batman on film! I have written about who has been the best Batman, Catwoman, and even defended Ben Affleck when he was first announced years ago. This is not gonna be a normal movie review. I am gonna sit here and just talk about all the things I loved about this damn movie! I thought that I would like this movie just from the trailer after seeing Batman walk into a room full of cops and them not attack him. That alone made me happy. I wanted to see this in theaters because it came out on my birthday but the world is still gross so I didn't and by the time I decided to it was not playing nearby. A couple weeks ago L. said it would be on HBO Max so I watched it that way. Still wish I got to see it in a theater. This will have some spoilers all up in it so if you don't wanna have this spoiled then stop reading this now.
Batman does detecting! For years he has been called The World's Greatest Detective but in most films he does little to no detective work and tends to be more reactive to problems and not trying to prevent any. He is fairly new to being Batman in this movie so he doesn't have a ton of gadgets and weapons just yet. The items he does have are used mainly for protection and detecting. His fighting style looks cooler, smoother, and yet somehow more brutal because he hasn't been doing it for as long. I will say that by far this version of Batman is my favorite due to his look, age, and voice. I could understand everything he said! I'm looking forward to more movies with this guy because I was blown away by him. His relationship with Gordon was also cool and reminded me of the animated series version. There was no weird distrust and they worked together perfectly. I could watch a movie with the two of them just doing detective shit.
This portrayal of Bruce Wayne was very different than versions I have seen before and I dug the shit out of it. In other versions he has been dumb as hell and clumsy. In others he is a playboy. In some he is brooding and a playboy that doesn't have much of a personality. In this one he is miserable as fuck! I liked it! He is pretty much not doing anything as Bruce and only wants to train to become a better Batman. He does nothing for the Wayne family name in terms of business and thinks he is helping keep the family dream alive by beating the fuck out of people at night. It was cool seeing how uncomfortable he was when he had to be out in public without his mask on. When people called out to him it was like “Oh, god!” He seemed startled by it. Alfred is there with him but took a more protector role than a fatherly one in his life and even admitted as such.
Catwoman wasn't a running gag! As much as I have loved the look and style of other women who have portrayed this character in this movie I believed everything about her. I liked her look. I liked her crazy ass fighting style. I like that they gave her a backstory. It has been either she just steal, she just flirt with Batman, she just makes cat jokes, or she got some toxic chemicals on her, or she got cat powers from a cat god. Yeah. In this one she wants enough money for her and her friend to get the hell out of Gotham and revenge against her father.
The Riddler was scary as hell! This man makes the spookiest entrance. Yes, he does send riddles but he also kills with his own bare hands. He sets up some jacked up Saw type traps as well and sends videos to fuck with folks or inspire like-minded people. This was not a man in a green bodysuit twirling a cane and giggling. This dude wore a mask made of duct tape and would bark at you. Even when he was not in a mask he was spooky as shit. There is a scene in the coffee shop where he smiles at Batman and I was like “Nope. Put a mask back on him!”
The Batmobile is barely in this movie but I have to say that it is now in my top three of the best ones. Yeah, it breaks down when it first appears but once that monster gets going...yeesh! I would pee and poop if I heard that thing flying down the street let alone seeing it.
Joker! This is something that I found out about after seeing the movie. It was removed and I'm not mad considering this movie had Catwoman, the mafia element, and Penguin. The scene with him automatically made him one of the top two best portrayals of him. In just a few minutes where we barely even see his entire face we see that he and Batman have a history and that Batman even respects his knowledge. His face is all kinds of fucked up. His hands are chewed up. He looks mangled and is locked up near the Riddler and they start bonding. I am happy that he exists and wasn't teased but was filmed and it was left on the cutting room floor.
I plan on watching this quite a few more times before they take it off streaming. I really liked so much about this that when I was watching I just kept thinking of how much it sucks that I wasn't able to see this in theaters with a bucket of popcorn, some Milk Duds, and a drink.
Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne/Batman
Zoë Kravitz as Selina Kyle/Catwoman
Paul Dano as Edward Nashton/Riddler
Jeffrey Wright as James Gordon
John Turturro as Carmine Falcone
Peter Sarsgaard as Gil Colson
Andy Serkis as Alfred Pennyworth
Colin Farrell as Oswald "Oz" Cobblepot/Penguin
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