Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Documentality: Chimp Crazy

Chimp Crazy 4/10

We watched this crazy ass documentary a few weeks back and while it had the potential to be interesting they stretched out what could have easily been an hour and a half series into four hour long episodes where you get to watch this nutty ass woman Tonia Haddix lie through her teeth constantly. If they had focused on more people this could have been interesting but since they would show a tiny bit about others and then go back to this woman I lost interest. I can't just sit and watch someone lie that much and stay entertained especially when I know they not in prison for animal abuse. Tonia is a former nurse and has a husband and kids but they don't mean shit compared to her love for her chimp, Tonka. She collects primates and is in a lawsuit because of how she keeps her animals. I don't know about you but I doubt that McDonald's and Gatorade are okay for animals to be chomping down on daily.

Speaking of chomping down, they do show some of the instances where people that worked with and raised animals got fucked up. It turns out that I know far too much about different chimp attacks. I knew almost every one of the stories they showed and how the victims got ripped apart or lived with their faces and bodies all kinds of wrecked afterward. PETA wants Tonia shut down and her chimp taken away and she says he is dead and has what looks like cake batter for his ashes. She lied. He is in the basement chilling. She later says he is sick and she is gonna put him down and the film makers struggle with whether they should involve the cops or not. They do. She loses Tonka. He happy with other chimps and gets to see sunlight. Tonia gets bitten by another chimp. The end.

Click here for previous Documentality.

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