Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Review: Double Jeopardy

Double Jeopardy 9/10

My lady had me watch three damn Ashley Judd movies in a weekend! This was not on purpose but is nuts when I look back at it. This was my first time watching any of these. The first movie we watched was Double Jeopardy. This rich ass couple named Libby and Nick Parsons are at home with their son just enjoying being rich and raising money for schools because in movies that is what rich people do. Nick decides to get Libby a boat for the weekend and leave their son Matty with Libby's friend Angela. Libby and Nick go on the boat and have the sex. The next morning Libby wakes covered in blood, her husband missing, and cops pulling up while she is holding a knife. I was like “Why you grab that knife!” They don't find Nick's body but Libby is convicted of his murder because it is discovered that a $2 million dollar life insurance policy was taken out on him. Libby asks Angela to take care of Matty while she figures life out. Angela agrees.

Angela stops bringing Matty to visit weekly in prison and Libby starts to panic. No phone being answered or anything. Libby ends up finding out that Angela is now in San Francisco and completely caught off guard by Libby getting her new number. This is 1999. It was easier to find out where folks lived and their numbers. It was in a big white book. The yellow one was for businesses. Now you know. Libby gets to talk to Matty for a moment and then Nick fucking walks in! He ain't even kinda dead! Libby is like “How am I in prison for the murder of someone still alive?!” She is not getting any help getting out and one of the other inmates explains double jeopardy to her. If she gets out she can kill Nick for real this time because you can't be tried for the same crime twice. Don't believe this shit, you lunatics. Libby lies to the parole board and they're like “Free American!” and she's released.

Libby gets sent to a halfway house where this guy Travis is running it. He is a former law professor. We find out that his wife left him because his drinking issues. One night Libby breaks curfew by sailing to a school she knows used to work at to find her forwarding address. The cops come and one of them knows Libby from back when she was rich and happy. Travis has to come and get her back but she don't wanna come back. She is handcuffed to his car and left on a lower deck. She ends up ramming the car back and forth and no one hears it! Travis spots his car moving and races to her just as she runs it off the boat. She swims away after bonking his head and swims away. She heads to her moms place (not close with her family) and her mom gives her a ton of cash from the tomato garden and a truck. Don't ask. Libby gets Angela's new address from a car dealer. She arrives and finds out that Angela died in a explosion at home a few years prior. Libby using her Batman level skills sees a painting in the background of a photo of Angela and knows it is one of Nick's paintings. She finds out where it was last purchased and Travis catches up to her. She gets away and heads to New Orleans.

Nick has a new name! He is now Jonathan Devereaux and got a Cajun accent and everything. She stays at a fancy hotel with a fancy dress charged to some old lady and sees that Nick is auctioning himself at a fund-raising event. She gets inside (easily!) and gets the highest bid. He sees her after she has won and is like n-yaah n-yaah n-yaah! He owns the hotel and is doing quite well for himself. He says that he didn't think she would get charged with his murder and that she would get the money from his life insurance for her and Matty. Right. Nick owed some folks a lot of money and this was his way out. Framing his wife for murder, hooking up with her friend, killing her, and moving to New Orleans. Libby says she will walk away if she can have Matty back. Travis shows up and talks to Nick saying this woman thinks that Nick is her dead husband. Now the cops are looking for her.

Libby meets with Nick at a cemetery. Libby thinks she sees Matty who keeps running away from her. Nick surprises and bonks her in the head, hands the kid some dough, and walks away. Libby wakes up inside a coffin that got a damn BODY IN IT!!! She shoots herself free and tosses a vase through the window to escape. At this point Nick is one of the worst husbands committed to cinema. Travis is working behind the scenes to figure some shit out about Nick and Libby's story. No one would be going through this much trouble and be that wrong. Nick starts bribing Travis after it is revealed that Jonathon is actually Nick. Nick is like “I have taken care of everything” revealing he has killed Libby.

She comes into the room at which point I would have pissed myself because, how the fuck are you still here?! You got out of prison for my murder, tracked three of my identities, and survived being locked in a coffin?! Travis shows he has been recording everything Nick says and a shootout starts. Nick has revealed that Matty is in a school in Georgia. Why come he so far?! Libby ends up taking out Nick, gaining her innocence, and meeting with her son. This was a good ass movie. I was surprised that she had some crazy ass ability to track this man down like it was a job she has in the past. My lady had this on DVD but we streamed it.

Ashley Judd as Libby Parsons

Tommy Lee Jones as Travis Lehman

Bruce Greenwood as Nick Parsons/Simon Ryder/Jonathan Devereaux

Annabeth Gish as Angie Green

Roma Maffia as Margaret Skolowski

Jay Brazeau as Bobby Long

Michael Gaston as Cutter

Click here for previous The Review.

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