Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Review: Blink Twice

Blink Twice 6/10

Full of spoilers. Last night L. suggested we watch this movie called Blink Twice. All I knew about it was who was the star of it and the director. Nothing else. This movie was odd and I had some issues with it. Its one of those movies where watching it twice will make you feel like “Oh, right!” seeing the way certain things played out. This is about this lady named Frida. She does nail art and works as a cocktail waitress. She is in the mirror at home with her friend/roommate Jess. At work she is warned by her manager about being too chatty like the previous year and showing up late. Frida asks Jess why she keeps going back to this terrible guy she is dating and thinks she should value herself more.

After the event Frida and Jess change clothes. Frida hopes that the guy this event is for, Slater King who she met the previous year and complimented her nails, remembers her. They get blocked from entering but then Frida starts power walking towards Slater and then eats shit on the floor. Slater helps her up and they spend the evening chatting and having a good time. Just when his people tell him its time to go he returns and invites Frida and Jess along for a trip to his private island. This is eleven alarms going off at once for me. No one that owns an island is not doing weird shit on that island I don't care what you say. You will end up a sex slave or dead. Slater had stepped down as CEO for doing some shit that no one mentions but it was bad. He says he has been in therapy and bettering himself. Friday meets his therapist and asks him to blink twice if she is in danger. He does. They laugh. Oh, no.

They are on the plane and everyone is fed and boozed up and Frida is just like “This is amazing!” They get to the island and all their phones are taken away so this guy Vic just takes pictures of everyone using a Polaroid camera. On this island there is Slater, Vic the camera man, chef Cody, a young guy named Lukas, a DJ named Tom, a reality star named Sarah, singer Camilla, and lawyer Heather. Oh, and Stacy. She is Slater's handler. They spend a large chunk of this movie frolicking, doing drugs, drinking, laughing, and not being able to remember shit. Frida is nosy and finds some perfume and sprays herself and some lip gloss with long strands of hair in it. Sarah, the reality woman, wants Slater and keeps trying to compete for his attention against Frida. The chef Cody thinks she is with him and keeps calling her “babe.”

The island has people cleaning and bringing food and generally working. This one old lady sees Frida and calls her Red Rabbit. Why? We find out way later. This old lady also walks around killing snakes. Later the therapist, his name is Rich, shows up and leaves with a red gift bag. Jess keeps on losing her lighter and people have it but don't recall why. They are waking up looking all disheveled and with bruises. Just the women. Jess confides in Frida that something is wrong and this is not right. Frida becomes the worst friend ever and tells her not to ruin this for her and she is enjoying herself. Jess gets bitten by a snake and thinks she is going to die. Slater rushes over and bashes the snake to death. The next day Frida, snooping around, finds a bunch of the red gift bags in a cottage. She sees the old lady who has a bottle of green liquid and offers some to Frida. She drinks it and realizes that it is snake venom and freaks out. She then starts to get flashes of horrible shit happening at night that she can't recall. The men say they are going fishing and suddenly Frida is like “Where is my friend I came here with?” The other women have no idea who she is talking about.

After finding the lighter with Jess' name on it Sarah is no longer acting like an enemy of Frida and is like “Okay, something is fucked.” They find more gift bags with this perfume that erases your memory and the cure is snake venom which is why Frida is now “awake” and how Jess after getting bitten was taken out. She gets Sarah to drink some of the venom and she starts to remember some of the fucked up stuff the men were doing to them nightly. They get Camilla and Heather to drink some by hiding it in tequila. It doesn't work as fast this way though. Frida goes looking for more evidence and finds photos of a bunch of old dudes smiling with their bags of perfume meaning they going around the world doing horrible shit. The men arrive back and Frida and Sarah have to pretend that they are still under the perfumes spell. They do a terrible job of this. While having dinner Camilla starts stabbing the DJ dude after the venom kicks in and she remembers everything. Heather wakes as well chases down Vic and beats him with a chess board before being shot by this Marine that rolls with Slater. Sarah bashes the Marine in the head with a rock and kills him then takes his gun. Frida finds Stacy and Stacy is like “Bitch, I was happy to forget everything!” so Frida stabs her to death.

Slater stands on Camilla neck until she dies and the young dude Lucas doesn't know what is going on. Turns out he was being victimized as well and didn't remember any of it. Turns out he wouldn't participate in the debauchery so they beat his ass and sprayed him to forget. Slater is chilling inside and Frida starts banging on the door. Lucas answers and is shot dead by Sarah before Frida's dumb ass gets snatched inside and her knife taken away. She starts having flashes of more memories. Turns out she had been to the island the year before. Frida has a scar on her head from being chased and falling on a rock. Vic has his pinky missing because Frida bit it off. The old lady kept calling her red rabbit because she had one painted on her nails last year. Sarah runs out of bullets and is caught and tied up by Slater and about to be killed but starts tripping because Frida laced his vape pen he always has with the perfume. He starts looking around panicking because everyone is bloody and dead. A fire starts and Frida, Sarah, and a knocked out from falling and hitting his head on the table Slater sit on the lawn. Everyone else is dead.

Back at home Frida is now the CEO of the company and continues to drug Slater through his vape pen. I liked this movie fine and had technical and stylistic complaints. This movie gave me Glass Onion and The Menu vibes but did not have the amount of suspense a story like this should've had. I would have liked to see a lot of the partying cut out and more character development from everyone at the island so that I cared when they were killed. I would have liked to know how these people became involved with Slater and why they were trusted with this information. Other than Frida I would have liked to know if any of the other people had been there. Also, would have liked to know what Slater apologized for and had to step down for. There is a lot of other stuff I have to just not think too much about (like how this nail stylist/event server became CEO and everyone is fine with it). Knowing all the horrible shit Slater and his people did to Frida I don't know how keeping him alive would be okay.

Naomi Ackie as Frida

Channing Tatum as Slater King

Alia Shawkat as Jess

Christian Slater as Vic

Simon Rex as Cody

Adria Arjona as Sarah

Haley Joel Osment as Tom

Liz Caribel as Camilla

Levon Hawke as Lucas

Click here for previous The Review.

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