Monday, January 6, 2025

Frivolous Flicks 3

Speak No Evil DNF/10

For those that do not know, this is where I do reviews for movies or TV shows where I watched some, most, or just pieces of things and write about them. L and I were flicking through Peacock and they started playing one of those trailers for this movie Speak No Evil. I was like “They show the whole movie. Bet we could just watch the last half hour.” So we did. Skipped to where all hell is breaking loose because I didn't need to see everything else they showed in the trailer. God, I am so glad I didn't force her or myself to sit through this trash. From the trailer we figured that this nice American family meets up with these weird ass foreign people who have a kid that gurgles and they get progressively creepier until there is a fight to escape. We began at the escape part.

The crazy couple and a friend stop them from driving away so they have to Home Alone this shit. They hide the kids and fight back and by they I mean the mother because the husband is in full bitch mode. My lady filled me in on some backstory (the husband is unemployed, the wife has cheated, and the daughter is attached to her stuffed rabbit, crazy folks son is not their son but the kid of another family and they cut his tongue out). Just cause you ain't got no job don't mean you forget how to fight and protect people! That would have been a cool twist. Husband just be like “I don't want your cheating vagina no more” and turned on her. He don't do that though. He whimpers and falls off the roof. Can't even bring himself to bash in the bad guys head after the crazy wife has fallen from the roof. The little boy has to do it! And he does it with gusto! I am so glad we didn't sit through this even though I laughed my ass off at the look on the moms face as the boy smashed that dudes head in.

James McAvoy as Paddy

Mackenzie Davis as Louise Dalton

Scoot McNairy as Ben Dalton

Aisling Franciosi as Ciara

Alix West Lefler as Agnes Dalton

Dan Hough as Ant

Click here for previous Frivolous Flicks.

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