Monday, January 13, 2025

The Review: Creature Commandos

Creature Commandos 5/10

I really wanted to enjoy this series but kept being snatched out of it by the music. It felt like every time I started getting interested in what was happening this strange ass music would start playing and I would have to turn the volume down. The story also felt like it would have been done in three episodes and not over the entire seven that this season was. The team is put together to protect a princess and all is not what it seems. I liked the characters of Doctor Phosphorus and G.I. Robot but we got their stories too early and too late. The other character stories weren't that interesting to me. I'm not gonna even get that into this. By the third episode I felt like I was just watching it because all the other shows I wanna watch don't start till next month.

Indira Varma as the Bride

Sean Gunn as G.I. Robot/Weasel

Alan Tudyk as Alex Sartorius/Doctor Phosphorus

Zoë Chao as Nina Mazursky

David Harbour as Eric Frankenstein

Frank Grillo as Rick Flag Sr

Click here for previous The Review.

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