Wednesday, December 25, 2024

The Review: A Holiday In Harlem

A Holiday In Harlem 7/10

What I think is the last holiday movie for the year L and I watched this movie called A Holiday In Harlem. This lady Jazmin is always busy with work and dodging being around her family. She ends up letting it slip to her grandmother that she is in the city and has to hang out with her. At a yoga class she falls on her grandmother and destroys her Achilles. Now she has to stay and run the yearly neighborhood gathering. She runs into her former best friend, Caleb, who she bounced on years ago without saying goodbye. Every good thing she tries to do has a bad aftertaste to it that causes more problems that get solved by trusting in others. This movie didn't have a heavy amount of drama or annoying characters which I liked.

Olivia Washington as Jazmin

Will Adams as Caleb

Tina Lifford as Mama Belle

Click here for previous The Review.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Review: Bebe Winans We Three Kings

Bebe Winans We Three Kings 8/10

Yay a good holiday movie! Last night L and I watched this movie We Three Kings. Its the story of three sisters fighting for unclear reasons. This father named Lincoln King hides some clues for his young daughters Lydia, Grace, and Abigail, to find and solve on Christmas. He leaves a north star necklace for his wife. Next thing you know all the girls are adults and the mother is dead and the sisters have been avoiding each other. Gracie is a doctor and unlikable. Abigail plays piano in another state. Lydia has a candle shop and is annoying.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

The Review: Make Or Bake Christmas

Make Or Bake Christmas 2/10

What a strange ass movie this was. L picked a movie for us to watch and it was this nonsense. I ain't taking the blame for this one. This woman named Emma works for this fake Martha Stewart ass lady named Leslie. Leslie wants to own this bakery called Sugar Bakers and threatens to fire Emma if she doesn't secretly get a floater job there and steal some recipes and stuff. This is illegal. So walks in with no baking experience and they immediately trust her which is why their business is slowly failing. Emma can't bake or lie. Seriously, her lying abilities are so bad I'm surprised they didn't show her crossing her fingers every time she talked.

Friday, December 20, 2024

The Review: Special The Piano Lesson

The Piano Lesson

I have never done a review this way. In a short amount of time I have watched three versions of The Piano Lesson. I saw the live show first. Then I attempted to watch the 2024 film. Then I watched the 1995 film before trying once again to watch the new one. Full disclosure: I am missing half an hour of it and will likely never watch it. I am going to take each character and actor/actress from these different versions and talk about how I received them and what I liked or didn't.

“Set in 1936 Pittsburgh during the aftermath of the Great Depression, The Piano Lesson follows the lives of the Charles family in the Doaker Charles household and an heirloom, the family piano, which is decorated with designs carved by an enslaved ancestor. The play focuses on the arguments between a brother and a sister who have different ideas on what to do with the piano. The brother, Boy Willie, is a sharecropper who wants to sell the piano to buy the land (Sutter's land) where his ancestors toiled as slaves. The sister, Berniece, remains emphatic about keeping the piano, which shows the carved faces of their great-grandfather's wife and son during the days of their enslavement.”

The Review: A Wesley South African Christmas

A Wesley South African Christmas -1/10

I am gonna shit all over this movie. I'm also gonna keep asking “What happened to the African baby?” So this is the movie we started watching on accident before going back and watching the second Wesley movie. Bootleg Chris Brown is in South Africa to close a deal with a family. The sister of the family don't trust him and doesn't want to make the deal. The brother of the African family wants to stall and make the deal and says that CB should invite his entire fucking family to Africa for the holidays all expenses paid. The fuck? Absent are the singing sister (simply said she cant come) and older brother (who its said he would come but never shows up), the horny uncle, as well as the twin daughters (guess they couldn't find another guy to cheat on one of them). They are not missed. They add a young woman to replace the singing sister.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Review: A Wesley Christmas Wedding

A Wesley Christmas Wedding 0/10

Another Wesley movie another piece of ass. L and I started watching the third movie on accident and were trying to piece together what we recalled from the first movie. She then discovered that we missed the second movie (this one) so we started watching. This movie dumb. Its based around the bootleg Chris Brown son getting married to his sisters friend from the first movie. Turns out his ex wife that cheated is still married to him and he never settled that. He does by paying her two million dollars. His future wife, Ryan, has a mother that was acting like she was auditioning for a sequel to Mommie Dearest. Like, her character was far too outlandish for even this film.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

The Review: Gremlins 1/2

Gremlins 7/10

Somehow L. and I ended up watching both Gremlin movies. She hadn't seen it since she was little and I hadn't seen it in god knows how many years. This movie was a cute little romp until it just became pure chaos. This inventor named Randall Peltzer goes to a shop in Chinatown after being led there by this little boy. His grandfather runs the place. Randall tries to sell some weird ass invention he has and hears a strange sound. Its a little creature in a box called a Mogwai. The old man doesn't wanna sell it because it is full of responsibilities. Randall offers $200 to buy it and the little boy is like “Take that money!” He ends up meeting Randall outside and selling it to him.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

The Review: Inside Out 2

Inside Out 2 (8/10)

A few weeks ago L and I watched this. She had already seen it before me though. This takes place two years after the first movie with Riley heading into high school. Her same emotions are there along with a new element called Sense of Self. Joy of course is just putting good memories in there and puts the bad memories in the trash. Riley and two of her friends get invited to a well known hockey camp. Suddenly a damn puberty alarm goes off and some workers start installing new gear. New emotions Anxiety, Embarrassment, Ennui, and Envy show up. Anxiety quickly takes over and they get rid of the old team. The team have to fight back to get to the control room and stop Anxiety from ruining Riley's life.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Documentality: Yacht Rock A Dockumentary

Yacht Rock A Dockumentary 10/10

Last weekend L and I decided to check out this documentary on Max. We were like “Let's just check it out” and ended up sitting through the whole thing without pausing. This is unheard of. This had some really great music and I learned so much. I really didn't know that the term yacht rock didn't exist until a sketch group made a series online and used that name. I didn't know certain artists and bands were so blended together. I learned what counted as yacht rock and what didn't. I learned one dude from Steely Dan would likely stab you if you used that term in front of him. I found out that even Toto doesn't know what the fuck that song Africa is about. I also found out just when the genre started dying off. I swear, MTV was a curse disguised as a blessing. This is one of those things you could watch a few times and still enjoy it. I added a whole playlist to my Spotify Just a really feel good ass thing to watch.

Click here for previous Documentality.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

The Review: Nutcrackers

Nutcrackers DNF/10

This movie was wack. This dudes sister and her husband die and he has to try and get her four raggedy ass kids adopted. These kids are home-schooled and rabid as hell. Home school kids not even like that anymore. So he wants to keep the kids together but then doesn't care because he just wants to get back to the city. Halfway through L. and I realized we were not gonna finish this and I predicted how it would end and it did. So glad we tapped out on this one. It wasn't cute, funny, or touching. It was just annoying to me.

Click here for previous The Review.

The Review: Four Christmases

Four Christmases 7/10

It is time for us to begin watching Christmas movies. This one was funnier than I expected it to be. This couple Brad and Kate are not married and happy as hell about it. They cosplay at bars and have the sex and plan on going to Fiji to avoid spending time with their divorced parents (hence the title of this movie). Their flight ends up canceled after lying to their family that they were busy and the news slaps them on camera all dressed for Fiji and their families start calling them. Now they have to go.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

The Review: Hell Bound (1957)

Hell Bound 2/10

Last weekend L. let me pick which old film we were gonna watch and I picked a stinker. The beginning of this movie is a narrated version of how this drug heist is gonna go. Guy pretends to be lost at sea, ship inspector shows up and puts himself into diabetic shock, nurse arrives and gets drugs from WW2 that were “leftover”, and they get paid from selling drugs. The rest of the movie is this guy Jordan making this happen in real life and failing every step of the way. The guy lost at sea is a tweaker. He falls for the nurse who is dating a mobster and she falls for the ambulance driver and gets stabbed by Jordan. The diabetic dude is no longer quite diabetic. The entire plan is far too convoluted and depends on far too many things going right to trust this to anyone he trusts this to. This would've been a little better to me by not showing the entire plan at the start of the movie.

John Russell as Jordan

June Blair as Paula

Stuart Whitman as Eddie Mason

Margo Woode as Jan

Click here for previous The Review.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

The Review: The Penguin

The Penguin 10/10

This series was fucking great. This is gonna be full of spoilers. When I first heard that this was going to be a thing I rolled my ass, scoffed, knocked papers off my desk Malcolm X meme style. Why was this happening? Did it need to happen? Why does DC have so much money to throw away? Seriously, they have far too many series and most seem like ass and the one I did like got canceled (Swamp Thing) and is available only on Tubi of all places. I had no need to watch this. But I did and after the first episode realized that I needed to shut my whore mouth and continue watching this because it was nothing like what I expected.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Frivolous Flicks 2

Vampire Academy Series 0/10

A couple of weeks ago I was looking through Peacock and saw this series. I thought it was the movie but saw that there was an entire ass series based off the book series. I saw the movie years ago and it was the first film I ever gave a 0/10 to. Well, I'm not breaking any trends because after watching just one episode of this shit I had to do the same. Now, its been years since I read these books but I know the very basics of the story still. While watching just the first few minutes of this I was so confused by what was taking place. I had to look up the story to make sure I wasn't going crazy and misremembering shit. I was not. This basically took the title of the books and characters names and said “Okay, now let's just do stuff!” The story was impossible to follow considering with so many books there is a large mythology. The acting was like some old 90's CW (before it was known as CW) shit. It was filmed so dark I know it was intentional to hide how bad the fight choreography was. I just wondered to myself “Who is this for? Not fans of the books or movie.” Surely there must have been some kind of tax write off or something to do this. Before the episode was even complete I knew that I was done and had no plans to even try to hate watch myself through this.

Click here for previous Frivolous Flicks.

Friday, November 15, 2024

The Review: Invisible Ghost (1941)

Invisible Ghost 8/10

L and I watched this crazy ass movie on Youtube from this channel called Full Moon Matinee. This guy introduces classic movies and some have no commercials. This movie called Invisible Ghost was better than it really had any right to be. The host made it seem like it wouldn't be that good but we watched anyway because it was only 63 minutes long. I got upset at the start because as the host stated, there are no ghosts in this movie and the font and image used during the credits looked like a werewolf. Still, besides that trickery this was a good movie.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

The Review: Sunset Boulevard

Sunset Boulevard 8/10

This movie is nuts. I had seen this many years ago (likely close to 20) and forgot so much about it. This is one of those movies that start at the end and go back. The end is this dude named Joe drowned in a swimming pool. We go back months earlier and Joe wants to be a scriptwriter and having no luck at it. Get in line, buddy. This lady that reads scripts named Betty dogs it not knowing he can hear her. He leaves and while driving around gets chased by some repo men. They really want their shit from him and he ends up hiding by pulling into a driveway of what appears to be a rundown mansion. He heads inside because I guess that's what people did back in the day and this old actress named Norma Desmond invites him in and asks him to read her script. He thinks her story is ass but she hires him to work on it for her.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Ross Radio Show 176


It is the long awaited (by a couple folk) return of The Ross Radio. Years ago after complaining about not having music to listen to on the radio I made my own station. Sometimes there are themes and sometimes I just play what I wanna hear. In this episode I play The Whispers Rock Steady, A Taste Of Honey Boogie Oogie Oogie, Rejoice Best Of My Love, Chaka Khan Like Sugar, Shalamar Second Time Around, Earth Wind & Fire Let's Groove, Sylvester Disco Heat, and Cheryl Lynn Got The Best Of My Love. Click here for previous episodes.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Curtain Call: The Piano Lesson

The Piano Lesson 7/10

This past weekend Cam took me to see this play in Pasadena. The last play was super good and this one was also good but, my god, it was long. This lady Berniece lives with her daughter, Maretha, and her uncle, Doaker. One day her brother Boy Willie shows up with a guy named Lymon and a truck full of watermelon to sale. Boy Willie wants to sell all the watermelon and head back to buy some land. Lymon is on the run from the law.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

The Review: Only Murders In The Building Season 4

Only Murders In The Building Season 4 (9/10)

I'm not sure why but I have not written reviews for the second and third season of this show that I absolutely adore. That is super weird. I even checked Google to see if there was some mistake. Either way I loved both of those seasons and this one as well. The show manages to have the team solve a murder and have another happen at the very end of the season. This time they investigate the murder of Sazz. I swore that this season I would figure out who the murderer was before it was revealed and though it took all these years I managed to do it and felt so proud of myself. I am not gonna sit here and recap the entire show because I would look foolish trying. Just know that this is a consistently good show and this past season had a lot of heartwarming moments and great acting. It is getting a little long in the tooth and I am glad that the next season will be its last before it wears out its welcome.

Steve Martin as Charles-Haden Savage

Martin Short as Oliver Putnam

Selena Gomez as Mabel Mora

Michael Cyril Creighton as Howard Morris

Paul Rudd as Glen Stubbins

Meryl Streep as Loretta Durkin

Zach Galifianakis

Eugene Levy

Eva Longoria

Click here for previous The Review.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

The Review: Agatha All Along

Agatha All Along 4/10

Yeah, a 4/10 for this show. After watching this with L. and then looking at the episodes which are ten I figured that out of those that was the amount that were interesting to me. This season felt so stop and go and out of order. Seriously, I would had made the last episode the first one. I am gonna try and look at each character, describe what I know about them, and how their story ended. I said I am gonna try. I likely will not succeed.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Frivolous Flicks 1

I be watching stuff but not all of it. Not like movies when I put a DNF/10 but an episode or two of a series and then I don't write about it. That changes now. I watched parts and episodes of some shows with L. a few weeks ago and will be writing about them. These are from American Horror Stories.

X 3/10

A security guard is at his post when he sees this spooky ass woman standing outside and he goes to investigate which proves this was not written by a Black person. She vanishes. This nurse named Claire is working at a hospital where it is obvious they use a lot of day for night shots. She turns and she and a coworker see her standing in the hallway just pointing and looking like she took every single drug that exists and some that don't anymore. She gets a bed and the other nurse is like “Please don't leave me alone with this bitch.” An orderly comes in and gets killed and the lady is gone.

Monday, October 21, 2024

The Review: Mr. Crocket

Mr Crocket 6/10

L and I watched this movie that we meant to watch a week ago called Mr. Crocket. I have a lot of random stuff to say about this and a lot of folks may not agree with me or the score I gave it since a lot of people are calling this terrifying and amazing. Its fine. A 6/10 means it is just fine. Do I want more? Not really. This starts off in 1993 with this mother named Rhonda and her son Darren who is watching Mr. Crocket on VHS. The show seems insane as hell. I can't really say that considering the stuff I watched growing up. The show Darren is watching will just stop and show Crocket starring at the scream saying nothing or one of his nutty characters. He also seems to be aware of what is happening in the home. Darren's stepfather wants him to finish eating his food and instead of stepping in Rhonda leaves the room to question her choices in men while Darren is being forced to eat his food.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Review: Renfield

Renfield 5/10

This movie had the potential to be really good but a shoehorned love story/cop tale turned this into something that felt more like the pilot of a series on NBC that would get canceled halfway through the first season. This is about Renfield. He is the familiar for Dracula. Like, the for real ass Dracula. He eats bugs and gets powerful and knows martial arts. He begins to feel like he is in a codependent relationship with Dracula and goes to a support group to learn how to deal with it. Meanwhile a cop whose father was murdered and no one was ever caught crosses paths with him because he has to slaughter people for Dracula to survive. This movie has a great cast (except for one person who I struggle to listen to when they talk) and some creatively crazy fight scenes. But this just felt flat and I wish I liked it more.

Nicholas Hoult as Robert Montague Renfield

Nicolas Cage as Dracula

Awkwafina as Officer Rebecca Quincy

Ben Schwartz as Tedward Lobo

Shohreh Aghdashloo as Bellafrancesca Lobo

Click here for previous The Review.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Curtain Call: Sweeney Todd


Sweeney Todd 9/10

Months ago Cam and I went to see this at A Noise Within. I really like this place after being here a couple times. I knew the basic story or at least I thought I did. I knew people being made into food was a part of the story. This is about a guy that returns to London and has revenge and murder on his mind. He is there with this young guy that is super excited about London. Todd is there to get back at some people for the murder of his wife and find his daughter. One day he meets this baker who makes gross sounding dishes and after he kills someone she realizes that dumping the body would be a waste of perfectly good meat and start a successful people pie business.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Documentality: Chimp Crazy

Chimp Crazy 4/10

We watched this crazy ass documentary a few weeks back and while it had the potential to be interesting they stretched out what could have easily been an hour and a half series into four hour long episodes where you get to watch this nutty ass woman Tonia Haddix lie through her teeth constantly. If they had focused on more people this could have been interesting but since they would show a tiny bit about others and then go back to this woman I lost interest. I can't just sit and watch someone lie that much and stay entertained especially when I know they not in prison for animal abuse. Tonia is a former nurse and has a husband and kids but they don't mean shit compared to her love for her chimp, Tonka. She collects primates and is in a lawsuit because of how she keeps her animals. I don't know about you but I doubt that McDonald's and Gatorade are okay for animals to be chomping down on daily.

Monday, September 23, 2024

The Review: My Adventures With Superman


My Adventures With Superman 7/10

This cartoon managed to do something that every Superman cartoon and film have failed at: make Clark Kent interesting. Hell, they made Lois and Jimmy interesting! I'm serious, that is something that every other version of this could not do. If that new movie manages this elusive task I will leave the theater happy. This is the beginning of Superman's career as a hero and at The Daily Planet. Lois is also new as well as Jimmy. Clark struggles with new powers that just keep on happening (electrical ones, freezing scream) and figuring out his past as a Kryptonian and believing he was sent to take over the planet for his alien race.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Review: Civil War

Civil War 2/10

This movie was 95% ass. L and I decided to check this out and it caused so many headaches during and after trying to make sense of a story where the writer/director left things vague purposely. This is in the future but not sure how far into it. The US is in a civil war where the states are all picking sides. I refuse to get into that nonsense but Texas and California are warring against the president who is in his third term and refuses to step down. These two states have the help of the Western Forces. Spread out through the country are militias and weirdos with too many guns making up their own rules. We follow a war photographer named Lee and her colleague Joel. They head to a hotel for the press and see this old dude named Sammy. Sammy is Lee's mentor. They plan on heading to DC to interview the president before he is killed. Sounds like a stupid plan, but okay. This young woman named Jessie that hero worships Lee ends up tagging along and this is where the movie immediately goes downhill.

Friday, September 20, 2024

The Review: Don't Play Us Cheap/The River Niger

Don't Play Us Cheap DNF/10

This should say WTF/10 instead. L called it “Don't Watch Us Sleep” and “Don't Slap Us Away.” I laughed a lot at that, not this movie. I don't know how L and I got here but we were looking for stuff to watch and found this “movie” on Max. What is it about? Two demons that are a roach and a rat sing a long song and then later turn into two guys trying to ruin a party but Black people know how to deal with struggle so they just keep on having a good time. This looked like a play but it was a film that was then a play. I was 100% baffled watching this and even after reading how it ends I still can't make sense of it.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Review: Uglies

Uglies 1/10

I have to point out that I'm not even close to the target audience for a movie like this. I still for some reason have managed to watch a lot of these damn thing (Hunger Games, Divergent, Maze Runner, Ready Player One, Scouts Guide To The Zombie Apocalypse). That is way too many for my old ass. L and I watched this on Netflix and I laughed inside knowing that this kinda shit is the reason she is getting rid of Netflix soon because of the higher prices and ads. They are trying to recoup years of bad movies and decision making at the expense of viewers. Good luck if this is the type of movies you're putting out. I should probably talk about this batch of nonsense.

Monday, September 9, 2024

The Review: The Killer (2024)

The Killer 2/10

This movie was ass. I gave it a 2/10 because the main characters outfits were cool and she looked super cute in one scene. Other than that there is no reason to watch this. I have seen plenty of this directors movies and this felt like a spoof of them. How you gonna remake your own movie and do it so badly? I watched this thinking it was another movie and going “Where is Bautista?” This movie tries to fill in some of the killers past with flashbacks but they don't change the way she looks all that much because she is hot and they don't wanna ugly her up so her hair looks like she just woke up at times in the past.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Review: The Caped Crusader


Batman The Caped Crusader 9/10

I didn't even know this show existed because Amazon just doesn't care sometimes. This should have been on Max because at least they show you new animated shows. I found about this from listening to a podcast and they raved about it. I was hesitant to check it out because there have been so many versions of Batman since the one I loved in the 90s. I would race home from school to catch it and even talk to friends on the phone while it aired. I was shocked when within minutes of watching this I was into it. The animation style. The voice work. The change of characters was surprising and didn't feel forced. Like, Penguin is a mother with children. Gordon and his daughter Barbara are Black. Alfred is younger. Just a lot of changes that were cool.

The Review: Rear Window

Rear Window 8/10

I really liked this movie. L gave me a list of movies to choose from thinking I was gonna pick a musical. I choose this instead. I had heard of it and knew that it had Jimmy Stewart and he stared out a window. I thought it was because he was a weirdo or something. Turns out he (Jeff) got injured taking photos at a car race and his leg got jacked up so now he has to wear a cast for six weeks. This thing goes up his whole leg and up to his crotchal region! He sits in his window just looking at neighbors across the way and making up aspects of their lives. He got an unhappy married couple with a bedridden wife. Newlyweds. Another couple with a dog that sleeps on the balcony because the heat. A lady that dances 24/7.

Monday, September 2, 2024

The Review: The Deliverance


The Deliverance 3/10

There is a special spot in hell for movies like this. You may be wondering why I didn't give this a 0/10 based off of that statement. Well, there is a scene in this that made me laugh one of the top five laughs in my life. I lost my shit for minutes and could not stop laughing and now L will randomly think of the scene and cry tears laughing. At home and in the In & Out drive through she will start laughing. So two of the points go for that laugh and the other is because we finished it cause I for sure wanted to stop at a certain point because this movie feels way longer than it actually is.

The Review: The Watchers


The Watchers 7/10

L watched this movie a few days ago and saw how badly it was getting reviewed. I knew who it was directed by and felt no way about it and we watched it this weekend. Starts with this guy running through the woods and being chased by something you can't see but can hear. He passes a sign and somehow passes the same one again before climbing a tree to escape this growling. He ends up falling out of the tree and is yanked away by a creature of some kind. We meet a girl named Mina who is a miserable ass woman. She works in a pet shop in Ireland and is asked to drop a bird off which will take about a day to reach.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Review: The Supremes at Earl's All-You-Can-Eat


The Supremes at Earl's All-You-Can-Eat 8/10

Spoilers!!! This was a really good movie. L brought this up after Hulu sent an email with their new and upcoming things. Now, I take a lot of titles literal so when I first even heard about this I thought it could have been based off of a true story of when the singing group The Supremes went to some random diner back in the day and performed for people that were there. This was not about that at all. This is about three women and their lives from teens to adults and all the drama and joy that they go through. And there is so much drama!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Review: The Mummy (2017)

The Mummy 1/10

This movie deserved all the shit people said about it. L made me watch this after I left the channel on Pluto. What is it about? Team looking for buried treasures and find a huge tomb filled with mercury. Should have run out of the place at that point. Dude starts having visions of this hot woman who is in the tomb. They grab her sarcophagus and hop on a plane. Next thing you know his friend is possessed and he has to shoot him. Then the plane is attacked by crows which I didn't know was am Egyptian thing. Plane goes down and he survives after pushing the lady out with a parachute and he wakes up in a morgue unharmed. The rest of the movie is him taking too long to explain his visions, his now dead friend coming to him like a bootleg American Werewolf In London style, and getting captured by Dr Jekyll before racing desert storms after bringing his friend back to life because he is now a god of life and death. Yeah.

Monday, August 19, 2024

The Review: Imitation Of Life (1959)

Imitation of Life 8/10

I really enjoyed this movie and talked way too much during it. L gave me three choices of movies and I picked this one. It was in color which she had not seen before but it was done well. I had heard of this movie just on title but knew nothing else going in. This starts off in 1947 and this mother named Lora is screaming looking for her daughter, Susie at the beach. This is the most packed beach I have ever seen in my life and L said she would have turned right back around. This guy Steve helps tell her where a cop is and she finds her daughter sitting with this lady Annie and her daughter Sarah Jane. You will learn to hate Sarah Jane by the end of this movie. Maybe not as much as I did but still. Annie is a Black woman and her daughter is as well but don't look it. Lora mentions that she would like someone like Annie to help her out and Annie is like “Hire me!” Lora says she can't afford it but after seeing Sarah Jane cry about wanting a home she takes her in.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Review: M3GAN

M3GAN 8/10

This movie was crazy as fuck. Continuing our Wayward Girl Movies we watched M3GAN which from this point on I will just be writing as Megan. Cady is sitting in the backseat of the car with her bickering parents when they end up running head on into a snowplow. She ends up having to stay with her aunt Gemma who works for a toy factory making robotic stuff for kids. Cady moves in and the house is not kid friendly and neither is Gemma honestly. Gemma shows her boss and later Cady this new toy she is working on, Megan. It is very smart, bonds with one person, and is autonomous as fuck. Yeah, surely not a single thing can go wrong with this scenario! Gemma showed an old robot named Bruce to Cady which inspired her to continue working on Megan after her boss told her to stop because she was making it on the sneak.

The Review: Abigail

Abigail 8/10

This week L and I watched a lot of stuff. We started off with this movie Abigail. It is about this group of people that kidnap the wrong damn girl. Abigail is just minding her business doing ballerina stuff and is picked up by her chauffeur. She heads home talking on the phone not realizing that her house is full of criminals of varying degrees of professionalism. They take her from her home and to another location where this dude Lambert tells them she is being held hostage by her wealthy father. He will have 24 hours to pay $50 million to get her back. The group get fake names and are all a hot mess in different ways.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Review: Supacell

Supacell 8/10

I had heard about this show but the poster looked kinda cheap so I wasn't gonna watch it. But one day hanging with L. I decided to just check it out and am glad I did. L. got into it as well. This is about five people from South London from very different walks of life who end up having to work together. There is Michael, who is a delivery driver. Sabrina, a nurse. Andre, a recently free from prison dude. Rodney, a drug dealer. And Tazer, a gang leader. How are these people gonna get powers? Do I want any of these people to have super powers? Not really but they get 'em along with a bunch of other folks. The one thing all these people have in common is a family history of sickle cell disease.

Documentality: The Black Widower

The Black Widower 3/10

This could have been a one hour episode of a larger crime show. Not to make too light of the fact that this dude named Thomas Randolph allegedly killed four of his six previous wives. I didn't get how this man pulled one wife let alone six of them. From listening to people that knew him it sounds like he was only good to you if you had something he needed. This guy would put out life insurances on women and they would die. He killed the hitman after the hitman killed one wife. He allegedly killed one after her surgery. The others I forget because this series dragged out so much that L. fell asleep during the second episode and I updated her on what happened in the final. I know I said one hour but with commercials this could have been told in 42 minutes. This was on Max.

Click here for previous Documentality.

Monday, August 12, 2024

The Review: A Discovery Of Witches

A Discovery Of Witches 5/10

This is not going to be long. L. and I watched three seasons of this show spread out over I believe four different platforms which is ridiculous. It got to the point where we stopped for months and kept saying we were gonna finally finish it and by the time we did we had forgotten a lot of little things that had occurred. Each season has very few episodes and the last season was incredibly rushed with very disappointing final fights and a strange ass finale. So this lady Diana Bishop is a historian from a family of witches. One day her powers wake up after touching this magical book. Next thing you know she is being hunted by vampires who want this book as well as obviously evil witches. She meets one vampire named Matthew who comes from a distinguished old vampire family. They end up falling in love even though there is supposed to be no mingling of species.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Sitting In The Aisle: Deadpool And Wolverine

Deadpool And Wolverine 10/10

This will be full of spoilers! I fucking loved this movie! I managed to dodge spoilers for this and was so happy I did and if you don't care about them then keep right on reading. I loved the previous Deadpool (click here and here for those) movies and was into the comic crazy style back in the day. Funny enough, I was not a huge fan of the X-Men movies in almost all of the forms they came in. I was never super attached to Wolverine in the movies and seem to be the only person that didn't like Logan. When he died I was like “Can we get someone else to play him now?” But for some reason I was invested in him in this movie. Maybe because it was an alternate reality version of him and didn't have all that baggage from the other films. I will say I wish that Domino and Cable showed up. But still. Its crazy I have given all three of these movies a 10/10.