has been a lot of talk recently about a Batgirl movie written and/or
directed by Joss Whedon. He previously worked on the Marvel movies
The Avengers and Age of Ultron as well as creating the series Buffy
The Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Dollhouse, Angel, and Agents Of SHIELD.
I actually gave up on watching most of those shows. Everyone is all
“He is so good at writing women characters! Girl power!” and all
that shit. I get it. To me its more important who plays Batgirl. And
stop saying Emma Stone just because she has red hair, you
non-creative bastards. He hair is actually blonde by the way. She
dyes it red.
those that don't know, Batgirl has been played by many characters in
the comics. Four that are known. She was created in 1961 an her name
was Betty Kane but six years later returned played by Barbara Gordon
which is the one most know her as. She was played by Alicia
Silverstone in that terrible ass Batman & Robin movie in the 90's
but we won't talk about that. Yvonne Craig played her in the 1967
series. After being paralyzed and likely sexually assaulted by The Joker in The Killing Joke she returned as the wheelchair bound Oracle
helping Batman and everyone including her own team Birds Of Prey.
Years later she was able to walk again.
In one
of my last posts I asked who should play Doctor Strange and I'll be
damned if one of my choices didn't get the part. Now I am gonna ask
Who Should Be Batgirl? I am going to try and explain why these ladies
should play Batgirl and some of their resume backing up my thoughts.
Its not going to be because of their hair color. And before you ask
they will all be White chicks. I'm not playing that game of trying to
change folks races to make people happy or more modern. Commissioner
Gordon ain't Black. I also hope its not connected with this new DC
film stuff but if it is just ignore all her past and make something
completely new with no references to the past except she is Gordon's
Grace Moretz
She is
currently 20 years old and has been known to be able to handle fight
scenes like in her movies Kick Ass and Kick Ass 2. She is pretty much
Batgirl in those films. I was going to go with Abigail Breslin but
she is far too...blessed at the moment to pull this off. Moretz can
do action, comedy, and drama like in The Equalizer. At her age she is
just right to play this character. I am tired of getting folks in
their 30's playing young characters and in sequels looking their
actual age. They could build three films about her before even
touching the wheelchair stuff.
She is
the little girl from True Grit and was 13 when she starred in that.
She was great. She is now 20 years old and 5 foot 8 and the right
height and built while a 5 foot 4 inch Moertz might not come across
as physically imposing. Unless they use lifts and camera tricks like
they did with Tom Hardy as Bane. I have to admit I have seen none of
the other movies that Steinfeld has done in the last seven years but
can only ope that she has gotten better since she was a child. If
they don't wanna make her Batgirl she would be a perfect Catwoman.
Just saying.
(daughter of Eric Roberts and niece of Julia Roberts) is 26 years old
and has been acting since she was 10 years old. Though she is 5 foot
2 she comes across as way taller than that. I was surprised to find
out that she is only the height she is. I've seen her on a few series
like American Horror Story and some films like Nerve. I like the look
she has and could imagine her kicking ass as Batgirl with the right
fight choreography. Though she is the oldest of this group I selected
she has the most experience and star power by far.
Click here for previous Who Should Be?
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