Thursday, June 8, 2023

Sitting In The Aisle: Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 3

Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume Three 10/10

I fucking loved this movie. Let me get that out of the way. L. and I saw this in theaters because there was no damn way I was not going to. It also made me feel human emotions three times as opposed to the previous films that almost got me once each. This picks up after the holiday special (which I watched and didn't write about) so now we know that Mantis and Peter Quill are brother and sister because their father, Ego, boned literally everything. Peter is still torn up over Gamora being from a different timeline so she doesn't have any emotional connection to him and barely one with her sister, Nebula. Adam shows up after being hinted at in the previous movie and starts wrecking shit immediately. Peter is drunk and ineffective, Drax gets whooped, Nebula can't stop him, and Rocket gets hit so hard he is dying. The team tries to save him but he has a fail safe in his body where if someone tries to save him he will straight up die.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Curtain Call: A Soldier's Play

A Soldiers Play 10/10

This past weekend L. took me to see A Soldier's Play. I didn't plan on going when she first mentioned it because I saw the movie and didn't feel a need to see the play. I see live theater with music and happy and we had watched A Soldier's Story fairly recently and I thought it would be a bummer live. I was super wrong. This was one of the best shows I have seen (and it had some music!). They made great use of such a minimal set. Flashbacks done with different lighting. Beds slid back so an office could be brought in. The acting was just phenomenal and the show moved quickly and did not feel long at all.

The Review: John Wick Chapter 4

John Wick Chapter Four 9/10

I have enjoyed all of the John Wick films. I finally watched the latest one after missing it in theaters and while I did enjoy it a lot I am glad that I got to watch it from home and have the ability to pause it and hoot and holler. This movie is long. I know I love long films and everybody who knows me knows that when I go to the movies I like when a film is two hours or more because it feels like I am getting my money's worth. But when you are watching a man shoot and kill so many people it starts to get physically and mentally exhausting just watching. If this had been about half an hour shorter it would have been a 10/10. I did like the introduction of some of the new characters such as Mr. Nobody and Caine. But my God ,when this was over I was happy. And I was also happy to see the extra little scene that they threw in during the credits. We watched this on Amazon. I doubt that I will watch this again in full and might just look up different fight scenes from it. One complaint I really do have other than the length of this film is the fact that the main villains and these movies tend to die the fastest and suffer the least amount.

Keanu Reeves as John Wick

Donnie Yen as Caine

Bill Skarsgård as the Marquis Vincent Bisset de Gramont

Laurence Fishburne as the Bowery King

Hiroyuki Sanada as Shimazu Koji

Shamier Anderson as Mr. Nobody

Lance Reddick as Charon

Ian McShane as Winston Scott

Click here for previous The Review.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Curtain Call: Six The Musical

Six: The Musical 9/10

This was a fun ass play! I forgot that I was even going to this with Cam a few weeks ago. We headed to The Pantages to check this out. Now, we all know that this theater has one of the worst sound systems but for whatever reason it was on point that evening. I sat down having zero idea what the show was about or anything. All I knew was that a lot of people in the crowd had little crowns on and a very flamboyant man in the audience I hoped wouldn't ruin the show for me.