Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Review: The Wheel Of Time

The Wheel of Time 9/10

Hey, book fans. I get it. I know how you feel when you read something and it is made into a movie or series and they change so much it doesn't make sense. It happened to me with Altered Carbon. I saw the first season, liked it, read the books and hated it. American Gods? Read the book, loved it, liked the show, read the book again, hated the show. But with Wheel of Time I had never even heard of the books and have zero desire to and the main reason is the people who actually have read the books. When Altered Carbon started its second season I didn't even finish the first episode because I quickly realized it wasn't for me. I wasn't gonna force myself to sit and watch a show I wasn't enjoying and had no hopes of it improving. I also didn't want to write about it every week or whatever about how it wasn't what I wanted and expected. I do that enough with other things. So when L. and I started watching this I was hooked immediately and some of it seems for reasons people were upset.

For starters people looked different. When I started watching Game Of Thrones everyone looked like a bearded White dude to me and I had trouble telling people apart. There are all kinda races in this and they act different and it made me so happy and made it slightly easier to remember their weird ass names. Here is my ignorant ass description of the series. There are pretty much seven main characters and one drops out the series. Moiraine who is part of this group of women who have powers. She is hunting down/finding dudes who have this power cause he can be The Dragon Reborn and ruin life. A dude with her is al'Lan who is connected to her in every way and her protector. Nynaeve who has far more power than she knows. Egwene who I thought was gonna be the main focus with her powers. She cool. Rand who has powers that show up subtly and is incredibly powerful. Perrin who has a wolf connection. And Mat who is shady as fuck and leaves.

I liked most episodes though the last two seemed kind of weird with a lot of information thrown at us. The series changed directors every two episodes so that makes sense I felt that way. I liked the music, the effects, the characters, the lore that I am looking forward to learning and if this show ends in a couple seasons I will just find a Wiki page the same way I did with GOT. Again, I won't read the books and have no desire to get into arguments with strangers. I am just glad that this past year provided me with a new series to get into.

Rosamund Pike as Moiraine Damodred

Daniel Henney as al'Lan Mandragoran

Zoë Robins as Nynaeve al'Meara

Madeleine Madden as Egwene al'Vere

Josha Stradowski as Rand al'Thor

Marcus Rutherford as Perrin Aybara

Barney Harris as Mat Cauthon 

Click here for previous The Review.

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