Eternals 1/10
So a while back I was interested in seeing this movie because the MCU has managed to get me interested in characters that I didn't give a damn about previously. But holy crap that really dropped the ball with this one. Between this and Hawkeye (not to mention Black Widow) they have been putting out some stinkers. Not even “That was alright...” stinkers but straight up “I wouldn't suggest this to anyone.” It is so disconnected from the other films that you could watch this on its own and still not be entertained. I'm not gonna put who was in the movie because I don't care to copy, paste, and edit their names. The plot? Uh, some aliens been here for thousands of years giving us shit and find out they supposed to let us all die and repeat on other planets like they have in the past. They kinda like Earth so they wanna stop it. This movie was long as FUCK. I shouldn't even say that because there are others just as long, but this one felt very long. I should have watched this over two days. I didn't but I paused a few times. I didn't rate this a 0/10 because it looked nice. Not the special effects but it was a good looking film. I have spent more time than I intended writing about this trash.
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