Worry, He Won't Get Far On Foot 8/10
I just
finished watching the movie Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far On Foot. Cam
had talked about it on our Chocket Awards (click here to listen to
that) and I had not seen it yet. This is based off of the memoir of a
cartoonist named John Callahan and his journey from being an
alcoholic to quadriplegic to drunken quadriplegic artist to finally
sober. I liked the way that they portrayed his alcoholism in this. It
never seemed fun. In some movies they make it seem like this personal
party to the person involved but in this they managed to really show
how sad and lonely it can actually be. One night while partying and
drinking John meets a guy named Dexter and they just keep the party
going until they end up crashing. Dexter gets away fine but John
loses his ability to feel below his neck.